The water bottle that waved hello, and other sad tales

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Last week was spring break.  Glorious pajama days, lots of books, and many donuts were enjoyed by all.  If we press rewind and go back to the week before spring break, however, it was like a crazy Twilight Zone episode.  For one thing, my classes just seemed off kilter.  It wasn’t just mine, it turns out; many of the teachers commented on how spring was in the air.  I was relieved that my son didn’t have any homework during that wild week.  I thought his Pre-K teacher must be giving him the week off.  Love that lady.  Well, it turns out that she did send homework home.  We just left it in the backseat of the car by accident.  As in, all week.  Oops.  That’s not the first time that my car has held our belongings hostage.  

We have a minivan and it’s like the biggest stuff-suck of the universe.  Somehow completely random things find their way into my car.  I suspect that my kids are to blame; they bring things in and never take those items out.  There have been days that I couldn’t find a clean water bottle to send to school with my daughter. It seems that the week’s water bottles were hibernating in the backseat along with the homework bag.  Her teacher outlaws all but the straw-type of water bottle (due to spillage) so the girl only has one or two that are acceptable for school.  When she got in the car that afternoon and I realized that she was (a) holding a water bottle and (b) I hadn’t washed it recently.  My eyebrows went up to my hairline.  Where did you get that, I asked?  She said she found it in the car and just refilled it.  Oh, my child.  The water bottle that waved hello is finally in the dishwasher but do I even have another one to send tomorrow?  One that I can find a lid and straw for?  It seems like a pretty good time to invest in a few new water bottles so I can run a few through the sterilizing cycle of the dishwasher.

So it doesn’t look like I’ll be winning the Mother of the Year award anytime soon, but that’s okay. I’ve made it through 10 years of motherhood and looking forward to lots more.

Check this out….


  1. Sherry Compton says

    Being a caring loving mom makes you mother of the year. You asked and were concerned aboutt he bottle and the homework. You care. Things get lost, misplaced, forgotten, or sucked into the car, but your kids were fine.


  1. […] the sleek design.  So I was very excited to try one in my car!!  You’ve heard about the deep abyss of my van, where anything can become lost.  At least with the Car Vent Clip, I won’t have to worry […]

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