Ripley’s Believe It Or Not books #WelcomeWinter

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I’ve mentioned before that my son is a reluctant reader. It takes a lot of cajoling to convince him to crack open a book, let alone finish one. When these Ripley’s Believe It or Not books arrived, though, he couldn’t keep away from them. He keeps peeking at the covers, perusing the pages, and telling me about facts he learned from them. These titles are terrific for kids who hate to read as well as those who LOVE to read!

Ripley’s Believe It Or Not 100 Years hardcover is a massive coffee-table worthy volume. It’s different from some of the other Ripley’s books in the way that it contains a lot of history behind Robert Ripley’s legacy. There are background stories and sketches that I’d never seen before. I especially liked learning about the way Ripley’s brand evolved over time.

This magazine-style issue is a special anniversary edition. The shrunken heads really caught my son’s attention! I’m surprised he was so shocked by them. I suppose he was a little young the last time we rode The Jungle Cruise at Disney World. I need to show him the Star Wars page. He’ll love it!

Ripley’s Believe It or Not books are a great way to encourage kids to read captions. With the wild and surprising images, kids are highly engaged in the texts. When it comes this easy, I’m not opposed to sneaking some reading skills in!

Check this out….


  1. I love ripleys because you learn all sorts of fun and extraordinary things. It is a trivia buffs playground

  2. Teresa Warner says

    I love reading these, you find out a lot of different facts and information!

  3. Ripley’s can be scary, or funny, or fascinating. It always get’s the imagination going.

  4. I love their info. because truth is stranger than fiction!

  5. I love learning new things 😀
    Edye recently posted…5 Things I’m Letting Go Of In 2020..My Profile

  6. Jessica Peeling says

    I love Ripley’s because I remember going to the museum when I was younger!

  7. Love learning new trivia. Sounds great. Thanks!
    NANCY recently posted…It’s All Good Inside: Guide to Self-LoveMy Profile

  8. I love Ripleys because I love interesting, weird facts.

  9. Stephanie H. says

    I really like Ripleys books because they have the most amazing true stories and facts about everything you can think of.

  10. I always liked Ripley’s when I was a child. I’d like to pass on the love to my son.

  11. I love their books because they are always so interesting.

  12. I love finding out all the new and crazy facts that are in Ripley’s books.

  13. LeAnn Harbert says

    They keep my granddaughters interest for hours at a time.

  14. I like to go to the Ripley’s in NYC and see all the quirky and interesting things they have there and it would be fun to read about some more.

  15. the ripely books are g great and i love to read them and then love to go to the museum i have been in 2 of them and they were

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