Traveling for the holidays? Save some green!

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This is a sponsored post. The opinions shared here are 100% mine. Millions of people will be traveling over the next few months for various reasons.  Some will travel across hundreds or even thousands of miles to reach their destinations.  My husband and I are transplants…….we both moved about 350 miles from “home” to relocate here in Tennessee.   We always feel the need to visit our families over the holidays although time, money, and life don’t permit us to do it as often as we’d like.   Whether you’re traveling to visit family, friends, or The Happiest Place on Earth, there are ways to save money on your vacation plans.  Here are some ideas that have helped us to save a little green and sometimes some sanity while hitting the road.

First of all, consider traveling early in the morning or late at night.  While something can be said for traveling in the daylight and having a safer travel time just due to the visibility, we feel that we’re fresher early in the morning.  We try to avoid the city traffic during rush hour, so we time our travel around the commuters.  This has been especially helpful since we’ve had our little ones.  Traveling in the morning while they’re still sleepy really helps to make the trip pass a little easier.  By the time the kiddos “wake up,”  we are close to our destination.

Secondly, always ALWAYS check online for savings before you head out the door.  No matter where you live, there are lots of deals just waiting to be grabbed!   Whether you need savings on hotel rooms, trip packages, or meals, there are savings to be had.  

Make sure that you keep some cash on hand even if you’re planning to use your credit card.  Believe it or not, some businesses still don’t accept cards.  Having some cash with you makes it easier to take a quick break on the road.  This also helps with tips and other cash-only moments that can be really frustrating if you don’t have that green with you.

Don’t forget about your pets!  If you’re planning to travel during a holiday, be sure that you make plans for boarding your furry friends well in advance.  Every other person who is traveling will be thinking the same thing.  We always start with our vet, who makes it a policy to accept only animals that are treated at their clinic.  This way I know that the pets in the boarding facility have had excellent care and I won’t be concerned with my dog catching some cooties from the other dogs.

I’d love to hear some of your travel advice!!   Please feel free to share your own comments below with travel tips and ideas.


The post was inspired by The opinions and experiences mentioned are 100% mine.


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  1. Dorothy Boucher says

    I hav’nt had the fortune of traveling out of the US but when I travel from Boston to Maine or Vermont, we try to pack lightly because we are always picking up goodies loll, make reservations at least 2 weeks ahead of time and plan out our trip and meal times 🙂

  2. Claire D says

    If you have AAA, they have tons of travel-related free items and discounts. I believe you can get discounted tickets to amusement parks and other attractions through them. They have free travel guides that list accommodations and restaurants by area. Free maps. And they even used to have (and may still have) a trip tick service that works kind of like a paper-version gps with point-by-point directions. It comes bundled in a handy flip-book making it easier to use. Also, in some states like California, you can do basic DMV functions at the local AAA office, which eliminates a lot of the waiting when renewing your registration, etc.

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