The Thursday Three: Tackling the Shoes Bin

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Disclosure: This post contains my affiliate link. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

I’m on the second week of destashing a little at a time. Last week my son’s teacher was thrilled to receive the books we sent. They’re starting a farm unit this week, so I plan to take a few more of our books in to share. My focus this week is relocating the shoes that are too small for my kids but still perfect for hand-me-downs.

When I go through the clothes at the change of the seasons, I usually try to sort the clothes. Somehow the shoes get overlooked. This week for my Thursday Three, I decided to find three pairs of shoes that my daughter has outgrown. We have friends whose daughter wears size 13 shoes and I knew that there were multiple pairs going unused in our closets. I dragged out several pairs that would need to be shared with our friend. Their daughter will enjoy having “new” shoes to wear and it will be nice to have a little less to clutter our closets!

I also wanted to find the mates to shoes my son once wore. In the spring the consignment sale will arrive before I know it. Having these shoes set aside will help to expedite the consignment sale process. This is our shoes bin… started out being nice and neat, but over a few weeks it has turned into this disaster. Tackling the shoes bin is not going to be a fun task.
The Thursday Three: Tackling the Shoes Bin

There were a couple of pairs of shoes that were just too dear to part with. For example, I kept the pair that my son first learned to walk in. The year that my son was a year old, Amazon had a HUGE sale on shoes. We had nearly 10 pairs of shoes delivered to the house for under $150 that year. All of them were high-end shoes like Primigi. The shoes still look like new because my son was barely walking at that point. I’m hoping that they’ll bring a smile to someone’s face at the consignment sale in the spring….and maybe put a little extra money back in my pocket. Then with that extra, I can get the kids new ATV19 shoes ! The kids can design their own pairs of ATV19s to welcome fall in style. My daughter will love the splatter print designs, and colors to choose from like candy pink, trust blue, and sonic green. Those shoes will be a lot easier to keep organized, too, since we’ll always be able to find the pair!

How are you destashing this week? Is organization a struggle for you?

Check this out….


  1. Organization is a big problem for me. I am trying though and with the kids heading back to school, I am hoping to get a head of it.

  2. You should check and see if you have a local consignment shop that is how we organize and recycle kids clothes!

    • We do have several consignment shops….. I take a lot of things to the consignment sale each year, but it’s overwhelming!!

  3. I like the idea of destashing a little at a time.

  4. ARC calls, comes to my house, and I give them a bag of things I no longer need or want.

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