The Lying Woods by Ashley Elston @DisneyHyperion

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Disney Hyperion. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

First of all, this cover.

Since this might not be the final cover, I just wanted you to experience it.  So lovely. 

You should know that I plucked The Lying Woods off of my kitchen counter at approximately 8:00 pm.  Here’s me, 4 hours later, reviewing it immediately because (a) no one else is awake to talk about it with me, and (b) it’s SO GOOD that I had to review it now, while it’s fresh on my mind.  I’m a little mad that no one has told me about this author before.  Did you guys all know about the brilliance that is Ashley Elston?  I am going to be reading her other books this summer, no doubt.  First though, I’m going to shove this book in my daughter’s hands and say, “Read it. You’re welcome,”  first thing in the morning.  How dare she go to sleep when there’s a book I want her to read?!

There’s so much to love about The Lying Woods.  I adored the small town setting and all the gossipy drama that came with it.  Just out of the town’s reach is an old pecan orchard, which is as charming as it is spooky.  It’s always fun to learn something new with a book, and I definitely enjoyed the little veiled reveals found in the Trudeau journal.

The main character, Owen, was fantastic.  I had some reservations about him at first, but he really stepped up to the plate and became the man of the house.  His strength and moral fiber was commendable for any young man, but especially one born into an affluent family.  The side characters equally charmed me.  Owen’s mom, Maggie, was a dear…the kind of person you want to invite over for coffee and a hug.  Pippa might have been my favorite character, though.  I so admired the way she stood up for what’s right.

The Lying Woods would make a blockbuster movie.  It’s too hard to lump it into one genre.  There’s suspense to keep your heart racing, romance to keep the candles burning, and mystery to keep your wheels turning.  Since the main characters are teens without much adult supervision, there’s a fair amount of illicit activity going on.  Be ready for some profanity, underage drinking/drug use, and the understanding that some bedroom scenes have taken place.  As I said, I plan to give it to my 14 year old daughter in the morning, so those elements were mild enough not to deter me.  I think it’s important to encourage teens to read excellent books, to show them examples of stellar writing skills, and this one fits the bill.

Oh, there’s so much to say about this book. I don’t often give five stars, but this one is right up there.  Many thanks to Disney for sending me a copy!

Do you like books with small town settings?


Check this out….


  1. I got this in the mail too and am so excited to read it!
    Great review!

  2. Jenna Hudson says

    A pecan orchard- what a fun setting! Looks like a spooky cover as you mentioned too.

  3. rochelle Haynes says

    Sounds like a nice book

  4. I do hope that this book turns into a movie!

  5. Really deep meaning in the book. Nice review too

  6. Damaris Maidana says

    Ahhhh this is a book I desperately want to read so I’m really glad you liked it. I hope I will too once I get my hands on it, but I’m almost sure I will.


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