Restore my skin

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Disclosure: Thanks to Dove for sponsoring this post. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Having a baby changes everything.  In my case, it also changed my body chemistry.  Now, I have no scientific evidence to prove that childbearing is truly to blame for my sudden skin sensitivities.  However, it seems uncanny that all kinds of chaos should ensue shortly after giving birth to my second child.  For one thing, my blood pressure skyrocketed (could it be the pills I had to take to keep from going into preterm labor?)  Or maybe it was the fact that my hormones never really went back to normal.  Let’s not forget that my liver suddenly decided to check out shortly after my child was born.  Ah, the wonders of motherhood.  Perhaps one of the better examples would be the sudden change in my skin.  Out of the blue, I developed an extreme reaction to bleach and now have to carry an EpiPen in case I get hives again from it.  Who knew?  Then there was the shirt I tried on at the store that caused me to get a rash under my arms.  Oh, that was a fun one.  I ended up buying that shirt, not realizing that the rash I developed worsened each time I wore it.  When I finally realized that the shirt was irritating my skin (maybe the dye? the fabric?  Who knows.) it was too late.  The skin problem had developed into something major.   I was on steroid pills and shots for months, gained over 25 pounds, and had to stop using deodorant for 2 months.  I lost a lot of friends over that experience.  Ha, just kidding.  But it really was embarrassing to go to the dermatologist and be told that it was just an allergic reaction….to what?  A shirt?!   And I had to just wait it out by not using anything on my skin except water.

This post is brought to you by Mom Central Consulting. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

This post is brought to you by Mom Central Consulting.
The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

After that strange situation, I was unable to use any of the underarm products I had used for years past.  It seems that my skin caught on to my shenanigans and wasn’t going to have any of it.  In desperation to avoid having underarm odor, I tried Dove antiperspirant.  Not only did it prevent wetness but it actually improved my skin.  You see, I was developing dark marks from all the biopsies and other fun things happening to my skin at that time.  Dove helped to restore my skin and make it even better.  Now my underarms are happy and so am I!   I’ve also switched to using other Dove products including shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.

Oh, and let me share one more thing with you.  Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like I’m halfway to work when I realize that my deodorant has stained my shirt.  One might argue that, “Well, at least you put on deodorant” but that’s not really comforting when I’m heading to 100 sixth graders who are bound to comment on the big white streak on my blouse.  I want to show you how Dove solved that problem for me.  Let’s just test it out by applying some deodorant directly to my shirt.

Dove deodorant --

Dove deodorant test --

It made a strip that’s visible against my purple top.  Of course it did.  Now I gave it a little rub and voila!

Dove deodorant test --

The deodorant is barely visible on my shirt after I rubbed it out.  Since it’s that gentle on my clothing, I know it’s gentle on my skin.  The scent of this formula is so feminine and delicate.  It’s not over-powering at all.    I don’t apply any moisturizers or other products to my underarms so it’s important that my scent is not offensive.  Thanks to Dove, we’ve got it all worked out!

Want to follow Dove?  Check in with them at Dove’s Facebook page and Twitter account.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Dove. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.

Check this out….


  1. I wish it would have been invisible on your shirt, but it is cool that you were able to just rub it away

  2. I love DOVE products! I love the scents and the softness of them. I’m addicted!

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