On My Bookshelf: Desert Journey by Dr. Jerry Burgener

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I’m not sure what I was expecting when I picked up Desert Journey. Whatever it was, Desert Journey was not a bit what I expected.

I received this book to review.  At first I thought the book might be an autobiography.  The cover declared it was “A NOVEL” so I knew that couldn’t be right.  As I went deeper into the reading, it became clear that I was being taken on a desert journey indeed.  Actually, I felt more like I was on a camping trip with a Native American version of Socrates.  Remember Carl Rogers, the psychologist who perfected the client-centered therapy in which the therapist guides the patient through self-reflection?  By restating what the patient says, or answering a question with a question, the therapist allows the patient to discover solutions to their problems rather than by inflecting the therapist’s own approval or disapproval in the session.  Well, that’s basically what this book felt like to me.  I could easily answer the questions posed in the book, or could put myself in the situation.   I could relate to Jerry and his struggle to find closure in the decisions and seemingly wrong turns he has made in his life.  Jerry tries to reconcile his present with his past.  Don’t we all have similar stories to share?  And in the end, isn’t that what many of us look for in a good book–something we can relate to?  Without giving too much away, I want to mention that Jerry asks the same questions that many of us do in our lives.  Questions like, What’s going to happen?  Did I make the right decision?  How do I know?   I don’t want to spoil the book for you.  It is something you need to experience for yourself.

When I finished the book, I set it down and paused for several minutes.   Was the story true?  If so, how much of it was true?   How did I feel about the book?  I wasn’t sure, and I’m still not sure.   All I know is, I’m looking forward to the next book, Return to the Desert, to find out what happens next.

Overall, Desert Journey was a short, quick read that left me thinking about my own life.  Don’t be fooled by the number of pages…..the message is deep.  While I may not agree with all of the themes presented in the book, that isn’t the point.  The focus of the story is true—we are all connected, and we all have a story to share.


Desert Journey trailer

You can find out more about Dr. Jerry on his website Creating the Best.     Dr. Jerry has a Ph. D. in Human Learning and has vast professional experiences including the school setting, mental health organizations, and as a forensic psychologist.  He enjoys skydiving,  scuba diving, and so much more.   Dr. Jerry sounds like a really cool guy to hang around with!









(Disclosure: I received this book to review.  This post contains affiliate links.  The opinions are 100% mine.)





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  1. On My Bookshelf: Return to the Desert by Dr. Jerry Burgener says:

    […] few days ago I posted my review of Desert Journey by Dr. Jerry Burgener and promised there would be more. This week I finished Return to the Desert […]

  2. […] few days ago I posted my review of Desert Journey by Dr. Jerry Burgener and promised there would be more. This week I finished Return to the Desert […]

  3. […] years ago I read Desert Journey about a man who went off in search of spiritual guidance.  To Hold The Sun has a similar vibe. […]

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