Motherhood moments that made me smile

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We’re kind of strict around the Savings in Seconds house. We don’t watch Spongebob, my kids aren’t allowed to say the words “hate” and “stupid,” and we try to treat each other with kindness all the time. This is kind of struggle for my kids when it’s time to express a little animosity. My son tries to get around it with creative insults. Today when he was upset with me (I wouldn’t allow him to jump into the deep end of the pool without his floatie) he got angry and said to me, “You are the worst leprechaun!”

Then there’s my 9 year old daughter. She has creative ways to express her opinion, too. As we were getting ready to swim, she explained why she needed to wear her brother’s goggles. In a very roundabout way of using an excuse, she said that a baby bumblebee died in her goggles because she left them outside.

Now her goggles “smell like death.”

Funny comments like these are some of my favorite moments of motherhood. Of course, I love those milestones like the first step and the first hug.  Little things like the kids learning how to put on their shoes are the memories I cherish. It’s hard sometimes when you’re exhausted, over-stressed, or just plain grumpy. Those little guys don’t always understand that you need a mommy moment filled with caffeine and chocolate, without someone sitting on your lap. But in those bright little moments when your kids say or do something funny, you realize that you got to help create this little family of yours. And that moment is one to treasure.

Have you cherished a special moment recently? It doesn’t have to be a motherhood story. Just share something that made you smile, inside or out.

Check this out….


  1. We had pizza for dinner and the side of the box said “21 varieties of submarines.” My 7 year old asked if it meant the kind that go under water.

  2. well when i ws in Texas for taps program a kid come up to me and said why do thing die well i told him that if you believe in love and spirits you have the person all the time he had a family member killed

  3. We also don’t allow our daughter to say “stupid” and “shut up.” She’ll even call us out on it. One day we were watching a movie and a character kept saying s***(this was a Bollywood movie with only a few words of English mixed in the dialogue. We are careful about watching TV shows/movies with sex/violence/profanity when our daughter is around or within hearing distance). My daughter asked why the character kept asking the other one to sit when he was already sitting. Neither hubby nor I corrected her 🙂

    Kids say the funniest things without meaning to. One day, when my daughter was very young, I asked her what daddy does. Of course, I meant his profession. She replied, “daddy goes to the bathroom.” 😀

  4. natalie parvis says

    ^^^ My toddler tells us to shut up all the time. I have no idea where it came from!

  5. I am currently loving my sixth month old’s smooshy kisses! Best mommy moments ever!

  6. Erika Rhodes says

    It was cute today my friends 1.5yearold decided to test the fly swatter on his pant leg.. hitting himself pretty good.. but no impact so he reaches and pull his pant leg up and hits bare skin.. He seems shocked at that looks at me I say owwww..he smiles does it again then proceeds over to me to lift my pant leg thinking he can swat me too.. ha!

  7. Valerie Rhodes says

    I remember when my son was watching Barney and decided to do art work with hershey syrup in the living room because he couldn’t get the crayons.. ugh.. lol

  8. Debbie Welchert says

    Just yesterday, my grandson handed me a caramel ice cream sundae, which is rare around here, and when I told him thank you he said it was from grandpa. That made me smile, a lot.

  9. natalie parvis says

    My 2 year old was cuddling with me on the couch and noticed that I was upset (chronic pain). He wiped my cheek, said “hurt?” and gave me a kiss on my forehead. It was unbelievably sweet.

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