Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier @StMartinsPress #JarOfHearts #NetGalley

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book to review. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Netflix documentaries have been talked up lately.  Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hilliard reminded me of the serial killer stories, and made me think of Stillhouse Lake.  Fans of dark suspense will enjoy this one!

More than once, this book made me consider the way one event impacts another…and another…and another.  There were bold moments that stood out among others, and I found myself highlighting several passages.

Jar of Hearts was very descriptive in an intuitive way.  I got the sense that Geo was an observant, thoughtful teen and that carried into her adult years.  Though the story was written in third-person, the reader gets to know Geo’s thoughts and ideas through the descriptions.  This was a rough text to follow in some ways; there was a lot of profanity, graphic sex, and relationship violence.  The plot alternated past-to-present which helped to alleviate the building pressure of terrible events.

Suspenseful and well-written, Jar of Hearts delivers on the psychological thriller-aspect.  It takes me back to the high school days when emotions and hormones raged together, determining most decisions.  Fast forward to adulthood, when forty seems oldish.  What happens in between?  You’ll have to check out Jar of Hearts to find out.

Do you enjoy dual-timeline stories?

Check this out….


  1. Very cool cover. Not the type of book that I enjoy.

  2. Christa Sloan says

    I have a very difficult time getting into dark thriller, mystery type of books. I need something easy to digest like chick lit otherwise I’m not paying attention or I’m scared and anxious because of the smallest things. I do like certain mysteries but normally they aren’t my cup of tea.

  3. rochelle Haynes says

    Looking good

  4. Jenna Hudson says

    I am curious as to what happens in between those ages too! Love the cover art work too!

  5. Julie Waldron says

    This is a beautiful cover!

  6. I love a psychological thriller but the last time I read a book with graphic violence I nearly fainted and I was sitting down! I quickly fast forward through those scenes in movies. I wonder why they even need to have this is books or movies.

  7. Cover reminds me of a movie!! I forget the name, but very cool

  8. Damaris Maidana says

    I have seen this one around and have wanted to pick it up. I think I will now after your review. So glad you liked it!


  1. […] If you like The Stranger Inside, be sure to check out Jar of Hearts! […]

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