I’m a Hapimomi — are you?

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This post was brought to you by the Hapimomi app.  I was compensated for my time; the opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Hapimomi makes it easy to stay connected.  savingsinseconds.com

Some things need to stay in the family.  You can fill in the blanks with your own personal experience, but there are some things that the rest of the world just doesn’t need to know about.    A good rule of thumb:  If the information isn’t good for all of your child’s teachers to know, it probably shouldn’t be featured on your status update either.   Once you post that questionable comment, the information will spread like wildfire to the ends of the earth.  You can delete it but who knows what nimrod took a screenshot?  Sure, you can send a “private” message, but it’s a real pain to try to message each person of your immediate family to tell them to be home by 6 since you’re making their favorite pot roast.   Facebook eats messages sometimes, plus your kids might not get the message.  At school the Facebook app might be blocked, or they might have unfriended you (sorry…..it happens.)

Hapimomi has it all figured it out, though.  With this FREE app, you can include all of the members of your immediate family and keep things between yourselves.  On the Wall, you can post as much information as you want and you’ll know that it’s shared only with your loved ones.  On the To-Do list, you can keep track of all the notes you want.  It’s all there for your family to see, but no one else need know that you ran out of Pop-tarts this morning at breakfast.  Possibly  my favorite feature is the shared contact list.  My husband won’t have to ask me anymore for XYZ’s phone number.  It’s right on the contact list!   Moms, you’ve gotta take a peek at this app.   It was created by two visionary parents who understood how busy a mom’s life can be.  Consolidating your family’s calendar, contacts, and communications in one neat app is genius.

The signup process was so quick and easy that I was finished in just seconds.

Hapimomi is easy to set up.   savingsinseconds.com See that little 2X in the bottom right corner?  It enlarges the screen so it is easier to read.  If you’re like me and your arms aren’t long enough to see the small print (you know what I mean if you’re there!)  this little gem will come in handy.  Here’s what the enlarged screen looks like.

photo-13 Nice, right?   The features are very basic……a few emoticons, limited choices for personalization.  The goal, though, is making it easy to communicate with those you love.  Hapimomi certainly has the easy part down.  This is a great app for those who don’t feel comfortable using something uberpublic like Facebook or Twitter.  It’s also a super alternative for those who want to stay in touch but aren’t willing to text or even call on the phone.   Its simplified interface makes it the ideal starting point for younger kids as well.  My school’s firewall limits many social media websites but since this is an app, I think it could be an alternative.  A child could send a quick note to his parents on Hapimomi (“soccer practice was cancelled”), letting mom and dad know that vital information without having to interrupt the child’s day.    These are just a few ideas for the benefits of using Hapimomi.

Can you see more advantages to using Hapimomi?   How could it simplify your life? 

Connect with Hapimomi —

Check this out….


  1. I love testing out new apps. Going to check this one out and see what is in store for me! 🙂

  2. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I love apps that make my life easier and more streamlined–great review–I will be checking it out

  3. I wish it was available for Android. I would love to make my husband a to-do list for him to have while he is at the store or running errands.

  4. This sounds like a great app – I like that it’s simple and easy to use. Not everything needs a lot of bells and whistles. Thanks for bringing it to our attention and sharing your review.

  5. Despite being young (21) I haven’t gotten used to using too many apps yet so I can definitely appreciate the simpler ones like this!

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