Hydro by A.C. Waltower — book review

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Disclosure: I received this book to review. Opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Hydro book review Remember when Y2K was the big scare? There may or may not have been some water bottles and flashlights stockpiled in my attic. Then we had the whole Mayan calendar debacle of 2012. Hydro has the same end-of-the-world feel except this time we’re playing around on the moon after a nuclear war devastates Earth in 2016. With a male/female counterpart that feels almost familiar at this point, we get to explore the realism of a dual world in shambles.  Overall, I’d give this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.  It’s always fun to find a new YA book to love. Hydro will appeal to readers who like fast-paced, thrilling science fiction novels with potential for an addictive series.

There was a confusing back-and-forth at the beginning of the novel that made me do a double take. I was confused about the role reversals, until I glanced back a few pages and got acclimated to the new character.  The dark sides of the book (particularly the aged grandfather, who reminded me of President Snow) kept me hooked until the final page.  Hydro is a satisfying allegory for colonization of a new world.  The residents of Hydro exploit Earth’s resources without benefiting its abandoned citizens.  As those earthlings start to have expectations in return, things get interesting.  Hydro made me consider what life might really be like if we inhabited a new planet.

The dialogue in Hydro was a bit stilted.  I have the attention span of a gnat, so it’s easy to start skimming when the conversation takes a dull turn.  I’m not sure if I received a final copy, but my version had many typos and grammatical errors.  This was a little distracting for me.  If a more polished copy were available, this could be a big winner.
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Hydro (Aurelia Series, #1)
by A.C. Waltower
Release Date: December 2014
Sci-Fi/Young Adult
Summary from Goodreads:
The year is 2091. 75 years ago, a nuclear war desolated Earth. The top 2% of the world fled to Hydro, a compound on the Moon. The rest of the population were left trying to survive on a barren Earth. Seventeen-year-old Blake lives on Earth with his dad and little brother. When Blake’s father is given the grave sentence of terminal cancer, Blake decides to save his dad by sneaking onto
Hydro and making a deal with Hydro’s council. In exchange for them saving his dad, he will give them the answer to everyone’s problem; the location of a new habitable planet. The unexpected and unannounced arrival of Blake leaves many citizens with mixed feelings, none more confusing than those of sixteen-year-old Ziva. The more she learns about Blake and where he comes from, the more she learns that not everything she is being told about the situation on Earth in true, including those told by her beloved grandfather. Why has he been lying to her? And more importantly what is he hiding from her?
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About the Author
My name is AC and I am an aspiring writer. I’ve always had a passion for writing, but find it difficult to write while juggling long hours at my day job. I, also, had to get the courage to publish my work, but this has always been a dream of mine.

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  1. Oh I remember Y2K. My family didn’t care at all about it! This sounds like an interesting book!

  2. I would be easily distracted as well BUT the book sounds very interesting to me. I will confess however to having self published a book – WAY back when self publishing was BRAND new and not well looked upon. I had so many grammar errors and typos I was ashamed of it. I never really marketed it. If I could have it properly edited I would be proud because like this a good story! I would read this, and I hope that AC gets proper editing done before final release.

  3. I love science fiction, especially post-apocalyptic. I agree though, if I find a typo, it bugs me to no end!

  4. The summary sounds interesting to me, but the grammatical errors would bother me too. Hopefully the author comes out with a more polished version.

  5. Sounds like an interesting book to cuddle up with on a snowy winter day. Hope they get the errors fixed soon with a new release.

  6. This sounds like a really good book. I just finished one, so I really need a new one. Thanks for the recommendation.

  7. Thanks for the details on the book. I tend to get bored with wordy conversations as well, but I do like the Scifi aspect of it.

  8. I do remember Y2K I have not thought of that in quite a while! Sounds like a book that my son would enjoy.

  9. I too had things stockpiled in my basement. Hydro gets it right that this is the essential element.

  10. Jenna Wood says

    Wow this seems like a sort of heavy book but I also like the futuristic alternate reality setting. I enjoy reading series so this definitely looks like it is worth checking out early.

  11. The only type of fiction I’ve ever gotten into is science fiction. Sounds like an interesting read!
    Scott recently posted…Highlights: ChiTAG 2014 (Brainy Thinkers)My Profile

  12. Natalie Nichols says

    I don’t usually go for the sci-fi books but this one sounds like something I’d like to read!

  13. I remember being scared about Y2K. we were so dependant on electricity and computers and I was worried nothing would work. I put no thought into the Mayan thing though. I don’t think we’d know before the end of the world but the thought of it is still frightening which is why books like these work so well.

  14. I like science fiction so I think I might check this book out. Thanks for the review.

  15. I read a preproduction copy of a book once and will never again. The typos are just too distracting for me!
    Scott recently posted…Relax With Some Mud and a MovieMy Profile

  16. I am the same way. Things have to be smooth or I lose focus.

  17. Sounds like an amazing book. Definitely my favorite genre!

  18. Michelle Elizondo says

    I would read this book. It would be my new past time!

  19. I’ve been an editor and I refuse to read a book that is badly edited so I’ll skip this one.

  20. Sounds like an interesting idea for a book…always looking fora few new reads!

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