Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is on my bookshelf

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Hush Hush is on my bookshelf --

Image: Amazon

Last summer via a blog giveaway I won the Young Adult book Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.  Due to the overwhelming amount of unread books sitting in my house, this one just sat on the shelf.  When our nieces visited in July and the brooding teen needed something to read, I handed her this.  She sat by the pool and read it all day long, immediately asking if I had the sequel when she finished.  Then when the girls had a sleepover at Christmas, she must have still been thinking about it; my daughter came home asking if she could read the book because her cousin had told her all about it.   Thus I was prompted to finally read Hush, Hush.  

The book itself was rather underwhelming.  The plot is roll-my-eyes similar to Twilight…..dark, mysterious guy comes into a normal girl’s life and wreaks havoc.  I’m definitely an old fogey and Hush, Hush proved it to me.  This is evidenced by the fact that if Patch ever tried to woo my daughter, I’d probably move her to the ends of the earth to get away from him.  I so pray that she never falls for some guy who insults her, hangs out in smoky bars for fun, and oh, wants to kill her.  Nora seemed like a smart enough girl at the beginning of the book but I was amazed at her lack of ability to put two and two together before the four slapped her in the face.  Note to self, teach daughter to trust her instincts.

There were some fairly interesting developments that held me to the end of the book.  I appreciated that the book was a clean teen romance.  There weren’t any major bedroom scenes and the language was perfectly fine.  Hush, Hush included lots of sexual innuendos, though.  Overall, it’s an acceptable read for teens and possibly mature middle schoolers.  However, I won’t be shelling out any cash for the sequels.  While I”d probably read a spoiler on a blog to find out how the series ends, it’s just too much to hope that the second (or third, or fourth) book would be any better.

Have you read the Hush, Hush series?  What did you think?

Check this out….


  1. I have an overwhelming amount of unread books as well. Sometimes I think I should do a purge and donate them because if they have sat there for a year and I never got around to it, I probably was never going to.

  2. that sounds like an interesting read!

  3. I take reading in spurts. I have a book that I’m reading now and am struggling to get through it. I don’t know. The books seems like it might be for younger people.

  4. Sherry Compton says

    Thanks for your honest review. It’s hard to find teen appropriate books that they will enjoy with out the book going too far. Sexual innuendos are apart of teen life, but I don’t want anything too graphic. I’m glad it held their interest and kudos to you for reading it, too, and knowing what your teen is reading.

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