Formula feeding can make life a little easier

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Formula feeding can make life a little easier.

Some things in life seem like they should be simple but they end up being quite complicated. For example, deciding what you’re going to feed your newborn should be one of the easiest decisions ever. But when you consider the imaginary flowchart that ensues, it can be such a brain-busting choice. Before my first child was born, I wanted to try breast-feeding but was open to the idea of giving my baby formula, too. When she arrived a few weeks early, she wasn’t able to easily nurse. She fell asleep after a few minutes then woke up hungry again. The every-2-hour feedings became exhausting, especially since it was more like every 20 minutes. The relief of giving her a bottle after she turned 1 month was so liberating. But even then, the choice wasn’t simple. Deciding which brand was the first hurdle. Would we use Parent’s Choice or some other famous brand? Then we had to determine which specific formula (lactose free? organic? chocolate flavored? Just kidding on that last one) worked best for her tiny digestive system. All of these options opened up a whole new world of decisions.

Next we had to figure out how to make bottle-feeding easy when we were out of the house. The diaper bag was jam-packed with bottles, liners, cans of formula, and everything else we thought we had to carry with us. Finally I figured out that the little baby formula samples were easy to use when we were on the go. They were perfectly portioned and easy to open. No measuring spoon needed! We stuck the formula sample tubes inside the bottle so they wouldn’t get lost in the huge diaper bags. We also found that we could ask for warm water at restaurants or carry a little thermos of water to make the bottle in an instant. These small changes made things so much easier for us. We loved the convenience of formula-feeding and it was a way for us to enjoy more quality time with our daughter. In the end, whatever decision you make for your child is the best one. Don’t worry about the opinions of others. Just try to get through those first few months without losing your mind and you’ll be all the better for it!


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