The Hardest Peace will make you want to fight like a girl

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#FightLikeAGirl #giveaway - enter to win a copy of The Hardest Peace (ends 10/29)

A few weeks ago, I read The Hardest Peace thanks to Litfuse Publicity.  I reviewed this book and still the story is just raw in my heart. You have to read it – your life will be changed. It will encourage you to fight like a girl! 

When I was younger, I used to complain that I hated being a girl. Mostly because I resented the cramping that happened every month or the messiness of learning how to be a woman. Now, though, I’m so grateful for the chance to be a girl! The strength that comes from being a woman is amazing. Being a mom has been the most fulfilling part of my life. Serving my husband as his wife is a beautiful gift that I can give. Knowing that I’m part of an amazing group of bloggers is something I get to do for myself.

Girls, we need to celebrate women all over the world! Whatever hardships come your way, know that you have your sisterhood behind you. The support of others is essential in this fight for life.  Survival is hard enough; shouldn’t we offer each other a little help?  In The Hardest Peace, parts of your soul will be torn into pieces when you read Kara Tippetts’ story. She has this magical way with words that makes you realize that God guides her through this battle with cancer. She shares how her friends came together to offer support and encouragement through her fight.  As you enter, think of Kara and her family. Remember the way she fights cancer while shining her light among women. Fight like a girl!

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  1. Marnie Ward says

    I would like to read this book because it show strength when you think you have none. It also shows what you faith can do for you and help you through. I love to read book that remind of us of the things we are all touched by in one way or another.

  2. it sounds helpful

  3. Rhea Chladek says

    I don’t know if I could read this or not, honestly. I would probably think about it a bit before finally opening the covers…

  4. sounds like an interesting story

  5. Katherine Riley says

    I want to read this because I think it will help me with my faith when things get tough in my life.

  6. Kara writes from her heart and soul and as a cancer survivor it speaks to my heart

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