How to Shop at a Book Sale – find the best titles!

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This year, I’ve had the chance to go to two Friends of the Library book sales.  What fun!  If you’re looking for books at a low price, may I suggest you look for a book sale in your area?

I’ve been participating in the #LibraryLoveChallenge for two years, and this is just another fun way to support my local libraries.  Around here, the book sales were advertised in the newspaper as well as at the library.  Be sure to check the sale schedule!  At one sale, there was a half-price day and a fill-a-bag day.

I left both sales with dozens of books.  The prices at one sale were based on a flat fee — $1 for hardcover, 50 cents for paperbacks.  They gave me a huge discount, though, for books I bought for my classroom.  Two packed boxes of kid-friendly middle grades novels were just $15! This included the 3 Heist Society books, 6 Ranger’s Apprentice hardcovers, and dozens more.

At the second sale, my daughter went wild for books on her wishlist.  It was a much bigger sale with many recent releases.  I found many for myself, too, like the copy of I See You pictured above.  We went home with two full bags; prices were $3 or less per book.  They had a half-price sale on the last day, and I went back for more.  Because, BOOKS!  We love to read our books and pass them on to friends and family. At these prices, it’s a treat to  share!

Here are my tips for shopping at a book sale. 

  1. Take cash. Not all sales accept credit cards.  Also, cash helps you stick to a budget.
  2. Find your favorite genre first.  The tables are usually set up by genre, similar to a bookstore.  Look for your favorite section and work your way through the sale.  You might even decide to go back to that first section for a second glance!
  3. Pick it up and decide later.  If you see a title you want, go ahead and grab it.  You can always put it back if you change your mind.  However, if you go back for it….it might be gone.
  4.  Plan ahead.  If your child has a required summer reading list, or you have the book club titles for the rest of the year, this is the chance to look for the books you need.
  5. Give yourself time to browse.  I enjoyed looking through all the tables, even if I didn’t buy something from that genre.

What titles do you look for at book sales? 

Check this out….


  1. I would be looking for “Swing Time” by Zadie Smith.

  2. John Smith says

    “Tell me what book you’d be looking for at a book sale.” An art book or a fantasy book or a picture book?

  3. I’d keep an eye out for Glimmer of Hope by Sarah M. Eden

  4. Michelle L says

    No idea…. collectors items

  5. I’d be hoping to find some classic science fiction.

  6. Alyssa Nelson says

    I’m always on the look for new fantasy books I haven’t heard of.

  7. Nikki Ooi says

    Literature and collector’s books!

  8. I cannot pass up a book sale! Glad you found some great stuff!

  9. rochelle Haynes says

    I like romance books

  10. I would look for books by Kristin Hannah

  11. Antoinette M says

    I would be looking for Agatha Christie mysteries.

  12. Cynthia C says

    I would be looking for books by John Grisham or Dan Brown.

  13. Judy Cox says

    I basic look for authors I read and books that are older that I haven’t found yet!!!

  14. Casey Garvey says

    Id have to look for my favorite book at a book sale. Nightmares and dreamscapes by Stephan King!

  15. Debra Francis says

    I would look for books by Lisa Scottalini.

  16. Antoinette M says

    I would look for Harry Potter series for my daughter.

  17. Looking for Lunar Chronicles series

  18. Casey Garvey says

    Today I would set for hours and read the book descriptions for any that sound unique and fascinating. I hate books that seem to copy others!

  19. Sarah L says

    Some vintage Heinlein.

  20. Kate F. says

    I would look for mystery books and biographies.

  21. I’m currently looking for a book called “I, Toto” and some vintage classics. 🙂

  22. I’d like another copy of A Wrinkle in Time.

  23. Antoinette M says

    I want to look for “Into the water” by Paula Hawkins.

  24. I would look for any book on Gardening and Homesteading

  25. Michelle Fuller says

    Any book written by James Baldwin.

  26. Crystal Rose says

    I’d look for a vegetarian cookbook.

  27. Daniel M says

    scifi from the 70s & 80s

  28. I need another copy of A Wrinkle in Time.

  29. speculative fiction

  30. As a quilter, I’m always looking for Gwen Marston’s quilt books, and (if I’m honest) pretty much any quilt book I don’t already have.

  31. Antoinette M says

    I would look for “A wrinkle in time”.

  32. Buddy Garrett says

    I would be looking for A Tale Of Two Cities.

  33. Trisha McKee says

    I will be looking for some true crime books.

  34. Jerry Marquardt says

    I like to looks for classics like The Great Gatsby and 1984.

  35. Amy Deeter says

    I love crime books and romance books

  36. Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

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