A Woman of Fortune by Kellie Coates Gilbert

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Disclosure: I received this book to review. The post contains affiliate links. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

The cover is phenomenal. Don’t you just expect a WOW of a book with a cover like this? Based in Texas, A Woman of Fortune chronicles the problems caused when a Texas socialite finds out that her husband has squandered money away from his clients, church, and family. It’s reminiscent of the Madoff scandal from a few years ago, the kind of story that one might see on Fox News or in the headlines . I can see myself shaking my head and wondering how someone could do such a thing. In this book, though, we look behind the scenes and find out how the scandal impacted the family. Through these pages, I remembered to hope for the best in people. Bad things happen and people make the wrong choices, but things can be healed over time.

Over time, Claire learns that diamonds aren’t what she really treasured. Is there a dollar sign on forgiveness? Who will Claire trust as she rebuilds her life? I related to her as a friend, feeling her pain and understanding her sorrow. The thing that Claire had going for her was a good support system. She had friends willing to listen to her heartache, dye her hair when she couldn’t afford to go to the salon, and her kids who loved her. I also related to Claire’s adult children. They had to deal with the decisions that Tuck made and reconcile what it meant for their lives.

What I loved most about this story was the way that Claire’s dreams flourished as a result of her family problems. Life is all about picking yourself up by the bootstraps, dusting off, and trying again. Don’t give up when life gets tough. You never know how God is going to teach you a lesson, but you can be sure that he’ll be there through the learning.


Check this out….


  1. […] from Kellie Coates Gilbert’s Texas Gold collection.  You needn’t worry about missing the first book, although I think you’d enjoy it!  Where Rivers Part is completely standalone with a brand […]

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