Tricities Tuesday: Thank you, Dave’s Waves!

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I have a confession to make.

I’m in love with the guy who cleans my pool.


That’s a good thing, though, because he’s my husband.  He diligently keeps our pool looking sparkling blue and so perfect for us to enjoy.  Over the last three weeks, it has rained daily.  We’re not complaining because we know the rest of the country is going through a terrible drought, so we’re grateful for the rain.  But I’m NOT grateful for the mud that keeps sliding into the pool because it’s escaping over the retaining wall.  A few days ago, some muddy water got into the pool and made it more like a pond.  My poor husband has spent HOURS getting it back to normal.

Thanks to Dave’s Waves, it’s been a lot easier to keep our pool clean and safe.  Dave’s Waves is located here in Kingsport on Memorial Blvd.  They allow us to bring our water in to be tested and they’ll analyze it, giving us a printout of what needs to be done.  This is all completely free for anyone!  Of course, they appreciate if you purchase your chemicals there but you are not required to.   It takes just a few minutes and my kids love going into the store because they actually have a swimming pool in it. The employees are always so friendly and nice.  I’m very appreciative of  their help.

Everyone told us how much of a hassle it is to have a pool.  Thanks to Dave’s Waves, the pool has turned out to be a wonderful blessing for our family.

I couldn’t find a website for Dave’s Waves, but they do have a Facebook page if you’d like to follow them!


(I received no compensation, monetary or otherwise, for this post.)

Check this out….


  1. I’m so jealous you have a pool to clean! I would love to have one, but when you have horses, it tends not to mix with a pool, lol.
    Isabella Grey recently posted…Frugal Fashion Fridays!My Profile

    • Yes, we feel very fortunate to have a pool. This is our first summer with it and it’s been great! I’m envious of your horses though—-we had a horse when I was younger & I miss it.

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