Thrifty Thursday: the best thing since….well, sliced bread.

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Sick of brown-bagging the same tired sandwich for lunch every day?  Try some of the new breads that are on the shelf.   I’m not much of a bread person, but I have no less than four of these specialty breads in my pantry right now!!  They are AWESOME.   Around here they retail for $3.99 per loaf which is pretty pricey, but I figure that it’s less than a dollar for breakfast.   And most of the slices have 80 calories or less per slice, so it’s not going to break the diet bank either.   I am planning to check out the discount bakery to see if they have any of these varieties for cheaper.  I’ll let you know what I find out!

My very favorite is the Swirled Pumpkin.  Okay, this one is truly amazing.  It is just the perfect amount of sweetness.  I like mine lightly toasted with a thin spread of butter.  So delish in the morning with a cup of tea!!   This is great with turkey sandwiches, it just makes a basic sandwich taste like it came from a coffee shop.   If you’re doing a salad for lunch or supper, try toasting a slice or two to make some unbelievable croutons.  Mmmmmm…..

I also really like the Strawberry Banana swirl for PB & J sandwiches.  It’s got some little chunks in it though, so if you’re a texture person you might not be a fan.

Another one that I like that somehow I missed taking a picture of, is the Blueberry Crumble from Sara Lee.  It’s really thin and barely sweet.  Just perfect for the morning.

My daughter eats a sandwich almost daily for lunch.  I bought this swirl bread just because I thought it looked kind of neat.  She is getting tired of whole wheat every day, so I was hoping this would be a good compromise.  When I slice her sandwich in half, the swirl looks almost like half a heart.  She loved it!  Such an easy thing to do.    This is as close as I get to a bento lunch.

So if you’re looking for a way to make the same-old into something new, try a good bread.  Make it something special!

The opinions in this post are 100% mine.  I was not compensated in any way for this post.

Check this out….


  1. Sherry Compton says

    Yummy…pumpkin spice. Perfect for the fall season. Sounds really good, too. I like pumpkin bread. It’s homemade bread day, but these sound really good and a lot easier to do.

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