Thrifty Thursday: Save on diapers

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Keeping your baby in diapers can be pricey!!  I applaud cloth-diapering mamas.  Since I worked full-time, my kids were in childcare and cloth-diapering wasn’t an option for us.  We spent about $60 per month on diapers for years.   We did buy the name brand diapers (Pampers only) because I found that my kids had breakouts and rashes more easily with other brands.   Here are a few strategies I used  to save money while buying something that would inevitably end up in the trash can.  I hope these ideas help you, too!


1.  Order your diapers online.  It seems like it would be more expensive, but it’s ever so convenient and very cost-effective.  I have tried several companies.  One of my favorites is  It’s now part of Plum District, and they’re offering a $10 off coupon!  Use code diannag to get the discount.  Getting $10 off a pack of diapers is super.  I usually ordered two packs so I would qualify for the free shipping.   Not paying tax is an extra savings!    Plus it’s sooooo nice to have that big box delivered to your door….no lugging it to the car while you’re trying to balance the baby at the same time.  You can still use coupons on, you just have to send them in.

Back in the day when Amazon Mom was offering their great promotions ($10 off an order, for example) I also ordered my diapers from them.  Getting additional months of Amazon Prime for free was a nice bonus (up to a $79 per year savings!)  plus there was always a discount on the subscribe-and-save option.  Although you can’t redeem paper coupons on Amazon, there are often clip-and-save coupons on the product page.   For example, subscribe and save makes this big box of Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 2 204 Count only 19 cents per diaper. Not too bad!
2.  If you have a friend who has an older baby in diapers, tell her what size your child is wearing.  I always had a lot of too-small diapers when my kids transitioned into the next size.   Rather than throwing them out, I would pass them on to my friends with younger babies.  Even if you just toss them as emergency diapers into the diaper bag, it’s money that you don’t have to spend.

3. Don’t forget to look for unopened packs of diapers at consignment sales!  For the same reasons as I posted above, many moms have a stash of diapers that they can’t use.

4.  Shop for diapers at CVS where you can use coupons and still cash in on the ECB savings.  There’s often a deal for a $10 ECB given for a $30 purchase.  It’s easy to spend $30 on diapers, right?

If you have other ways to save on diapering your sweet one, let me know.


(Note that this post contains my referral/affiliate links.)

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