Thrifty Thursday: Listening to kids songs in the car

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Ever since we got a DVD player in our vehicle, my children equate riding in a car with watching a movie. I really, really hate that. First of all, it is important to me that my kids learn to be entertained without a TV screen. Also, we don’t get much family time, so the time in the car is a valuable opportunity to talk with each other. My children really enjoy listening to music, so I try to keep some new and fun CDs in the car so we can have fun singing along. That’s why I love the new releases from Golden Records. They have such a great variety of music that’s really appropriate for kids of all ages.    The only thing I would add to these CD’s would be a lyrics sheet.   I would love to have my daughter read along while she sings to build her reading skills and to make sure she gets the words right.   Listening to music in the car is a great way to help your children develop an appreciation for different kinds of music.

Do you have some spooky music set up for Halloween fun?  There’s a great new release from Golden Records called Spooky Halloween Hits—it’s sure to delight the trick-or-treaters who visit your doorstep this October 31st.   It’s available on iTunes and on Amazon (a bit cheaper on Amazon, by the way).   I did the MP3 download then burned it to a CD so I can play it right by the door.  I really liked that the music wasn’t too frightful.  Some of the songs have that spooky element to it, but there’s enough whimsy in the music to make it fun and childlike.  The songs with lyrics are very bouncy and fun.  My kids loved this CD.   I recommend that you listen to samples on the Amazon page to see what you think of it!


Next, we have the Timeless Volumes 1 & 2.   The sound of these songs is truly classic.  It was so fun to listen to my kids singing in harmony with the music.  My son is in preschool and soon will be expected to know an assortment of basic rhymes and poems.   Learning these rhymes to music makes it so much easier.     The Timeless titles can be purchased on Amazon, iTunes, and at WalMart.  They are only $5 each on the WalMart links, so definitely check that out.  I love that they can be downloaded right to your computer so you can start listening right away!  These songs really brought back the memories for me.  I loved sharing the songs with my kids and talking with them about my childhood.

Stay tuned for a new release coming out soon—-A Very Merry Golden Records Christmas!!!   I can’t wait for you to hear this one.  It has some neat songs that I’ve never heard before…..I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, for example.  It’s really fun!!   It’s got the same oldies-sound that I liked about the other Golden Records titles.   Let me know what you think of them!




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