The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

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Disclosure: I used Amazon affiliate links in this post; I may earn a commission if you use the links. Opinions shared are mine.

My son loves that show Jessie on Disney Channel. In the show, a nanny named Jessie cares for a ragtag bunch of kids who have been adopted by super rich Hollywoodish type parents. The parents are almost nonexistent; they blow in once or twice a season for an appearance. Otherwise, Jessie and the kids are on their own to navigate the world.

The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware reminded me of a twisted version of Jessie. I rarely buy ebooks, but had some Kindle credits to spend and this one has been on my wishlist since I heard about it a few months ago.

Let me start by saying that I really liked this book. I read it every spare second over the weekend, virtually hibernating on the couch beneath the covers. There’s so much to love about the story, and I couldn’t get enough. That is, I couldn’t get enough until there was no more left. All of a sudden, I hit the last page and it was “Huh?” time. I truly thought my copy must have been missing the final chapter.

There are many elements to love in this book. The creepiness of an isolated house paired with the voyeuristic atmosphere of a “Smart house,” plus the possibility of an attic ghost….it’s just a fantastic recipe. I liked Rowan the nanny, despite knowing that she had a slow-burn secret that would be revealed at some point. I just needed to know more about that ending. My overall rating would be 3.5 out of 5 stars, almost entirely because the ending was so disappointing.

Do you plan to read The Turn of the Key?

Check this out….


  1. It’s a bummer about the ending, but I loved your thoughtful review! I have this one from BOTM.

  2. This looks like a compelling read. Looks interesting

  3. Interesting book, sad that the ending didn’t end well.

  4. This book sounds like a fascinating read.

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