The Nightmare Man by J. H. Markert

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Disclosure: I received a copy of the book for review. Opinions shared are mine.

The Nightmare Man ended up being one of my favorite reads of 2022. It had so many elements that I enjoyed, starting with a spooky old house and some supernatural vibes that seem to infiltrate the story in the best creepy ways.

The complex storyline and the depth/growth of the characters came as a surprise. At the beginning, I felt like it was going to be easy to figure out. As the story goes on, though, the details start to converge and make sense. I could definitely see this as a movie! It’s scary and has a lot of trigger moments. The whole story is about nightmares, and it definitely serves that purpose. Now that I’ve finished the book, I’m tempted to reread it to see if there were clues I missed along the way.

The author’s note at the end revealed that this author has written several books under a different name. I realized that I’ve read some of his books that were released under a Christian publisher. That really surprised me, since this book has a lot of adult content and profanity. I hope he continues to write within the Christian fiction genre, though, because his books are great!

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