The Night Shift by Alex Finlay

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Disclosure: I received this book for review. Opinions shared are mine.

Do you remember what you were doing on New Year’s Eve, 1999? The memories about Y2K fear and other retro fun get shadowed by the dark events of The Night Shift by Alex Finlay.

I love stories that have some 1980s/90s flair, and The Night Shift delivered. It took me a while to catch on that the Special Agent Keller is the same character from Every Last Fear. Love that little common thread (although this book is completely standalone). In this book, Finlay laid out a lot of comparisons between the Haves and Have Nots, keeping it understated yet unmissable. It was easy to pick out “who did it” and I figured that part out early on, but the mystery settled amidst a lot of action and twists.

The Night Shift made me consider how current technology and science benefits law enforcement. In 1999, things like cell phones and even the Internet were not widely available and used. People didn’t have Ring doorbells; many stores did not use cameras or even security measures that are commonplace today. At first I was frustrated with the findings of the Blockbuster massacre, but then remembered that the police would have been going on very little surveillance or evidence. After all, people were still having to rewind their rented VHS tapes!

Check this out….

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