The baby gets all the good stuff

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Have your older kids ever said, “The baby gets all the good stuff”?  In most cases, it’s TRUE!!   Especially these days because there is just so much adorable baby EVERYTHING wherever you turn.  If you haven’t been to a baby shower in a while, count yourself lucky.  Yes, babies are blessings, but honestly their stuff is just so dang cute.   I think the main reason for having a baby shower is for the new mom to get to touch and coo at all the soft beautiful things before the baby arrives (‘cuz she sure as heck ain’t going to be enjoying it once the baby arrives!)   So if you are planning a nursery overhaul right now, go for it.  Make it something that you absolutely adore.  Not only are you going to be spending a lot of time in there, but you want pictures of it so that when your first baby sees what the second baby gets, you can prove that every baby gets the good stuff.

Part of having a beautiful nursery is knowing where to shop.  That doesn’t mean that everything has to be designer-brand or high-priced.  In fact, Layla Grayce recently collaborated with celebrities in a budget design contest as part of Project Nursery’s Skip*Hop Nursery Design event.  You’ve gotta see this adorable  Musical Crib Mobile that you could win….it’s sooo cute!  Another prize is a $100 Layla Grayce gift card which is always useful.  Three lucky winners will win a mobile and a $100 shopping spree towards Layla Grayce!  Hurry, because this contest ends on July 10th!  

The next big thing about planning a nursery is quality control.  We didn’t get to choose a lot of our “big” items for our firstborn because we had a family shower before we registered.  Don’t get me wrong, we were extremely grateful!!   It did throw a bit of a snag in our plans, though, because I was all excited about picking out what I wanted.  By the time my second child came along, we had already given away or sold most of our baby gear because we didn’t think we would be able to have another baby.  That was kind of my second chance to get what I really wanted.  It was wonderful!

What are your favorite colors for a baby nursery?  For a boy, I love green.  For a girl, I love soft butter yellow.  I am now in the mood to redecorate.  Please, please don’t call it nesting.


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