Sun Gear that protects sweet skin — thanks to Solartex #sponsored

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There are certain things I like about having a little boy.  He is completely no-fuss.  When he was younger, he had a few sensory issues about his clothing but now he’s just grab and go.   The other thing I love is the fact that his clothes are so easy to coordinate.  I mean, there’s just really one combination — a top and bottom of some kind.   When we get to swimwear, though, there are some issues.  First of all, he is such a little bony thing that his swim trunks tend to billow out around his legs when he jumps in the water. When he rises out to jump again, the legs of his trunks are bustled up like a bubble skirt.  It’s comical but not exactly trendsetting.   Also, he won’t stand still long enough to apply adequate sunscreen.  He squirms away after a nanosecond, so I’ve gotta be quick and thorough.  The areas that often get neglected are his ears and neck.   I’m glad that we finally found Solartex sun gear that protects sweet skin.  They sent us a cool new SPF suit to try out and it’s rocking the pool this summer!

Solartex sun gear protects sweet skin --- I wasn’t sure about the bike-short looking bottoms of this set at first.  Once my son put it on though, I realized that we much prefer these to the traditional style of swim trunks.  These aren’t clingy like bike shorts.  The fabric is soft and loose so that it doesn’t confine, it just hugs the frame.   Note that the sizing on the Solartex website is in Australian measurements so you’ll need to size up if you’re in the US (which most of you are.)   I went with a size 8 for my 4 year old son.  That was probably a bit too big, but the suit still fits him with room to grow.  Since my kids usually go through a growth spurt at the end of summer, I know the suit will last us for a couple of seasons.  Also, I like that the rash guard has longer sleeves.  My son has the metabolism of a hummingbird and is therefore a skinny little thing.  He gets COLD in the water.  Having long sleeves on his rash guard helps to keep him a bit warmer, plus it offers extra sun protection on those little arms.   Remember the neck area that tends to be missed during sunscreen application?  The neck on this rash guard is a slight turtleneck, so he’s literally covered.

Solartex sun gear protects sweet skin ---

Solartex offers sun gear and accessories for everyone in the family!  From adult swim wear to swim diapers, plus all the stuff in between (water bottles, sunglasses, and more) are available on the Solartex site.  The site is so easy to  navigate.  I love their clearance section, which makes it easy to mix and match pieces to suit my needs.  They even accept Pay Pal which I LOVE!

You’ll definitely want to enter to win a $25 Solartex gift certificate.  Be sure to follow Solartex on Facebook and Twitter to stay caught up on all their deals.


Check this out….


  1. My kids use sun protection clothing all the time. They prefer it rather than having to slather even more sunscreen all over their bodies.

  2. Jenna Wood says

    I like that the Solartex clothes are designed to protect sensitive areas we most often leave uncovered, like the neck. They also have gorgeous bright colors, perfect for visibility and Summer fun.


    Oh man, I need this! I burn instantly. I always wear a shirt or something but I think Solartex would be much more effective.

  4. I need to try sun protected clothing! It is so important for the hot weather!

  5. Those look fantastic! I need some sun protecting clothing for myself and my kids! They may just be the thing we are looking for.

  6. I think that’s so cool that it’s spf protected clothing!
    Cinny recently posted…#MonstersU is simply…Amazing! Spoiler-free #movies #reviewMy Profile

  7. oh i think i need this!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  8. I only let my sons were protected sunscreen swimsuits. Amazing how when we were kids it was different, there was no awareness

  9. Ohh I like this. My son easily gets cold too and this would be perfect because he doesn’t like zippers!

  10. what an awesome idea to have sun protected clothing!

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