September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Are you covered?

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Disclosure: This post is brought to you on behalf of Royal Neighbors of America.  September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

“I wish I hadn’t planned ahead for my family in case of my death.”  —said no person, ever.

Growing up in a single parent home was tough.  My mom worked hard for every penny she earned and stretched that penny until it cried.  I’m sure she sacrificed and struggled much more than I’ll ever know.  Now that I’m a parent, I also understand how worried she must have been about how my brother and I would be cared for if something happened to her.  As our sole provider, a lot rested on her tired shoulders.  Once when I was about ten years old, my mother sat down with me and explained what I should do if she died.  That seemed so morbid to me at the time.  It probably broke her heart to have to explain it all to me, making me understand that even my invincible mother was a mere mortal.  She showed me her papers for life insurance and told me that there would be $10,000 to pay for her funeral expenses.  That seemed like an astronomical figure to me at age ten.  Now?  I realize that it would barely cover the funeral expenses, not to mention the cost of any care my brother and I might have needed.  Even though it must have been a really tough conversation for her to have with me, I appreciate that she had planned ahead for our little family in case of her death.  After all, we depended on her. 

Once we were married, Mr. SavingsInSeconds insisted that we take the time to get life insurance policies in case of an accident.  That way, we were both well-protected and wouldn’t have to shoulder huge expenses without any way to pay for them.  Getting our life insurance was simple when we were 23…..just a matter of a simple blood test and signing some paperwork.  Not a big deal at the time. Now, however, I realize that there would be more loopholes if we were to try to arrange a policy at our almost-40 point of life.  Now that we have children, it’s even more important that our family is well-provided for in case something happens to one of us.  Also, we have many more expenses now that we carry a mortgage, car payments, and other bills.  Again, it’s important for us to plan ahead for our family in case of our premature deaths.

While men are often the primary breadwinners in the family, we live in an economy that often requires women to contribute to the household finances.  Sadly, many women are underinsured.   Even if a woman’s primary income is not very high, it’s important to consider the cost of childcare and other duties that the lady of the house might normally maintain.  That’s not even including the rising costs of food, fuel, and energy.  Then what about your kids’ college funds?  Thankfully programs for women are available.   Royal Neighbors of America offers “life insurance with a difference.”  This organization’s philanthropic efforts are dedicated to changing women’s lives through its national programs, including the Nation of NeighborsSM Program, and through the Royal Neighbors Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.  They can even help you determine how much life insurance you will need!  Check out the life insurance calculator and see if you’re covered.  Remember, no one ever wished they hadn’t planned ahead for an emergency.


Check this out….


  1. It’s so true and the older you get the harder and more expensive life insurance is to purchase. If you buy it early you just keep renewing it.

  2. I don’t have life insurance. Unfortunately, last year, a family member passed, and did have several policies, which thankfully took care of several in our family. It is important and I know I need to get on it!

    • It can be really affordable, Jenna! Our policy runs less than $13 a month per person. Just think of how much that would make things easier for your other half!!

  3. It’s definitely something we need to think about.

  4. We do have life insurance, but it is term. We want to change over to the kind that is not term (do not remember the name), but it is so expensive between our age and my husband’s pre-existing medical stuff.

  5. Insurance is one of those necessary evils. I’ve had a life insurance policy for years – even before children because I wanted to lock in low rates.

  6. You’ve given me food for thought! I didn’t consider the cost of being the primary childcare provider when I picked our my life insurance coverage

  7. Great post, I want to discover more about this subject matter in the future!

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