Recipe for homemade dog food

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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

It’s common knowledge that food allergies are on the rise.  It seems like we all know someone who has to avoid certain ingredients due to food sensitivities or recall notices.  Our furry friends are no different.  When my mother-in-law told me that her dog was allergic to dog kibble, I scoffed. She feeds her dog simply cooked meat that she prepares herself.  Who ever heard of such a thing?!   Well, then I got a dog, too.  And guess what?  My dog choked, coughed, and gagged on several brands of store-bought dog food.  We have to be very careful with her because she does seem to have food allergies.  SIGH.   Additionally, there are so many food recalls and safety issues with pet food.  So what about making your dog’s food at home?

Homemade dog food was an idea I was willing to research.  Finding the perfect balance between good-for-the-dog ingredients and being cost-conscious was a must.  Easy cooked dog food recipe ?  No problem!  This recipe uses only 5 ingredients, albeit large quantities of those ingredients.  I preferred a cooked recipe because I have young children and can’t risk either of them eating or even handling raw meat.   This is basically like a meatloaf with dog vitamin supplements. Because this recipe yields 48 cups of dog food, I would probably try to find a friend who would want to split it with me, at least at the beginning until I knew my dog would take to it.

Additionally, be sure to read the tips below the video that instruct you to put your dog on a 24-hour fast before starting the diet.  The speaker’s voice on the video was somewhat hard to hear over the music.  You can actually hear the dogs whining for the food while the video is being filmed.  It’s obvious that the dogs know what’s coming!  Watch the last 40 seconds of the video and you’ll see the dogs go to town, little tails a’waggin!

Is this a budget recipe?  That depends….if you catch the ingredients on sale, I think you could probably get away with less than you’d pay for the same amount of high-quality processed dog food.  Seems like it would save time to bake this in a foil pan so that you could skip the step of storing it in a plastic container (and washing both) but the website author says that the plastic container system works well for him.  According to the website, it’s critical that you use the Dinovite and LickOChops supplements to provide the proper nutrients for your dog.  Take that into consideration when preparing this recipe.

So what do you think?  Would you be willing to cook for your dog if it meant that he (or she) would be healthier?


(Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.  The opinions are mine.)

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  2. It’s worth the time as you can control what you put in it, it’s lengths people go through to care for well being of their pet. I think that they do it for cat food too

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