Quick decorating tips

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It’s more than a little embarrassing to admit that I am a failure at room decor.  My house is totally dependent upon the mercy of my friends and Pinterest.  If someone tells me how to make an impact with some frames, or even does it for me, it’s all good.  If left up to my own devices, it’s all a total bust.  Last fall there was a sale on the Kohl’s website and I purchased a fall-themed tablecloth on a whim.  It didn’t occur to me to even measure my table; I just went with the measurements that sounded right.  Luckily it was the right size (I suppose) and when it arrived it was arranged on the table before my kids came to eat supper.  When they walked in the dining room, one would have thought they had walked into a surprise party. Their squeals and perky eyebrows were just too much to bear.  What terrible lessons am I teaching my children about decor?  Sadly, that’s the only tablecloth I own so I finally brought myself to the realization that yes, I must purchase some new home items or at least do a little artful rearranging of the items we already own. 


It’s definitely true that the tablecloth perked up my dining room.  It made me wonder what other little helpful items I could sprinkle in here and there to fancy things up a bit.  For example, I’m totally loving this beautiful Dash & Albert rug from Zinc Door.  It’s called “Power Poppy” and it would look fabulous in my living room on the hardwood floor.  We have red leather couches that would really make the red in the rug stand out.  Zinc Door also has 15% off select lighting which I really need to think about at some point. We have track lighting in our living room. It was cool back in the day but it’s time to make an update.

We live in our outdoor space from sun-up to sun-down in the summer.  A few brightly colored throw pillows could take our drab outdoor chairs to a new level of comfort and style.  Maybe I should consider adding a few flowerpots there, too.  Right now all of the greenery is a fruiting plant of some type.

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Let’s see…..I should also put some of my kids’ pictures in frames, probably.  It has been a while, considering that the frames on the walls still hold my daughter’s baby pictures and she is 9 years old now.  Somewhere on my to-do list these projects were scribbled down with the intention of being completed, but summer just went by too quickly.  In just a couple of weeks I’ll be headed back to the classroom and coming home each day to my plain, undecorated house.  Do you have any quick decorating tips that might help me feel productive? 



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  1. Enjoyed the post. It is amazing how just doing a little like adding pillows ect really makes a big difference. I have found also once I get started I keep thinking of other ways to improve and decorate.

  2. I have found it always starts with one piece. Work with your tablecloth to add complimenting colors around you dining room for decor. Maybe a photo frame or a set of candles. I need smaller decor items because I’m horrible at cleaning 🙂

  3. Leanette Fernandez says

    It’s amazing how the smallest things can make the biggest difference.

  4. It’s amazing how the smallest pop of color or added accessory can really make a difference.

  5. I’m a huge fan of plants and color outside, little dashes go a long way!

  6. Cant forget the pretty and great smelling candles . Leafy green plants work inside or outside to brighten up a space. I have string lights on my porch all year round. Of course they can be used outside too

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