Part 2 of my shipping saga

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So if you read my previous post about the crazy shipping fee I paid, you know that it got under my skin just a bit.  I sent a polite email to customer service  to give feedback about their shipping fees.   Here was the reply I got:

I am sorry that the shipping is so high. It does not charge by weight of the order but by how much  you spend.

thank you


Yes, thanks.  I figured that much out.  However, it still bugged me, so I had to respond.  Here’s what I said:

 Thanks for your email, Arthur.  I understand that the rate is based on how much the customer spends.  It is costing your company money, though.  Here’s why—-

I had three coupon codes that could be used on my order.  The first two you sent me ($5 coupon toward a $30 order, and $4.95 shipping code.)

Initially, my product total was over $35.  If I used the $5 coupon, it only deducted $5 but my shipping was over $8.

If I used the $4.95 shipping code, I only saved $4.

 Instead, there was a code on your website for free shipping with a $25 order.  I deleted some items out of my cart and reduced it to just over $27.  Then I used the free coupon code to get the $8 shipping taken off.  So instead of spending $35 at your site, I spent $27. 


If you rewarded your customers with lower shipping when purchasing MORE, that would make more sense to me.


My husband kind of rolls his eyes at me when I tell him about this, so I have to ask you—–am I crazy for emailing the company?  Do you relate to my frustration?   I’m sure that nothing will change at this company because of my petty little email, but I wonder how many companies lose revenue or even customers because of their shipping fees or other charges.  Would love to hear your thoughts on this!


Check this out….


  1. Mara Briggs (Adventures of the Mommy Homemaker) says

    You are absolutely NOT crazy! I’m known for doing the same thing! Kudos to you, for sticking to your ground. Let us know when they reply again!

  2. Motherhood on the Rocks says

    I don’t blame you. I get annoyed by high shipping costs too. Sometimes the shipping is as much (if not more!) than the product itself!
    Motherhood on the Rocks recently posted…SUMMER FLASHBACK: FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOWMy Profile

  3. Ashley T says

    I think you should have e-mailed the company. They needed to know what was going on and also know that they will lose business that way.

  4. You are not crazy at all! What you said makes perfect business sense, and I would have sent the same type of e-mail explaining that because you would think a business would want to know that sort of thing! Some may actually appreciate the advice!
    Emilee recently posted…Free Blogger OppMy Profile

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