On My Bookshelf: Battalion

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If your Netflix queue is loaded with action-adventure titles, Battalion is for you.  This is a novel with suspense, espionage, evil villains…..the typical action-adventure movie in a book.  The main character Scott Pierce is a gentleman-turned-helot, urging his hostages to look away as he uses a screwdriver to gouge out a tracking device from his forearm.  I mean, who doesn’t love a guy like that?  I’m not used to reading suspenseful books like this so I spent a lot of time trying to weed out the characters and figuring out who could be trusted. I’m a happy-ending kind of girl and desperately hoped for Pierce to save the day.  You’ll only find out if he succeeded if you read this book.  Be prepared for significant profanity. This genre isn’t my usual preference yet I immensely enjoyed Battalion. There’s not a dull moment in this book, not even on the very last page.  This reads like a movie and is full of excitement.  This seems like a book that would reach young men, especially those interested in conspiracy theories and global destruction!

Author Adam Hamdy is a British film producer, director, and writer.  He is also known for his comic book series The Hunter.   Hamdy also holds a law degree.

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