Night Night Devotions by Amy Parker #NightNightDevotions

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book. Opinions shared are mine.

A few years ago, I had the chance to review two board books by Amy Parker. Her new devotions book, Night Night Devotions, is a delightful addition to the bookshelf!

The first thing I noticed about this book was its sturdy padded cover. The table of contents organizes the 90 devotions by Old Testament and New Testament. As a helpful addition, the corresponding Bible verse is notated below each title.

As I’ve mentioned before, bedtime was a very important part of my family’s routine for years. The kids were fed, bathed, cuddled, read with, and prayed with. Sleepy eyes don’t always have a long attention span, so I appreciate that these devotions are short and sweet. With just a double-spread layout, you can cover the basics.

Colorful illustrations, bold headings, and a brief prayer complete each devotion. There’s a personal-connection question in the corner, too, which is a great way to open the door to conversation. If you have an extra moment in your day, you could peek at the discussion question before dinner. This might help your child to consider the story more carefully as you read it at bedtime.

The only thing I felt this book needed — an attached bookmark. A satin ribbon would have been a nice touch.

Check this out….


  1. A nice way to combine reading and prayer for the kids

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