My favorite chair

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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links and I was compensated with a bonus.  The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Best. Chair. Ever.

What’s your favorite chair or piece of furniture?  The one you look forward to sitting in at the end of the day?  In the picture above, you can see my favorite chair — the best chair ever.  A few years ago when I was expecting my daughter, I went into preterm labor.  Laying down caused contractions.  Sitting up caused contractions.  Walking….well, you get the idea.  The only thing I was able to do to stay contraction-free was to lean on my side in my recliner for weeks at a time until she was thoroughly baked.  We had precious little furniture at that time, but fortunately we had purchased a discounted recliner only days before I went on bedrest.  That recliner became my day-and-night bed until my little girl was born.  For weeks afterward, I spent hours upon hours in that chair.  Feeding her, rocking her, and just treasuring those moments that I got to hold her.   When I was expecting my son, I slept in the chair yet again.  I went into preterm labor again, at the exact same point of my pregnancy, and was terrified of going through the bedrest again.  While the doctors were able to keep the preterm labor at bay through  medication, I felt a lot more comfortable while sitting in my recliner.  Possibly it was a subconscious thing. Perhaps I felt reassured that the chair kept my babies safe on the inside.  My son was born and once again I sat in that chair for hours, rocking and feeding and singing.  That chair is precious to me.   Each time I sit in it, those memories make me smile and want to cry at the same time.   I guess I’d say it’s my favorite chair.  Except there’s one problem….it’s 9 years old and has long worn out its comfort.  The cushions are no longer cushiony and the rocker squeaks in protest when someone tries to make it move.  The headrest is faded and no longer shines with the newness of the leather.  Ah, well.  This chair has done its duty and may soon be replaced.  

It’s hard to say what kind of chair would be needed to replace such a sentimental item.  I’m really drooling over the beautiful upholstery pieces at Zinc Door.  Use code  SOFTSEAT  to save 15% to make that purchase a little more feasible.   Since I don’t need a rocker anymore, something a bit more stylish would be possible.  After all, this recliner is not going to win any decor awards when propped up next to a red leather couch.   My budget is not quite ready to part with the cash needed for a replacement so it looks like we’ll have this one around for a little while longer.  It will give me time to properly pay my respects to a chair that has been so good to my family.



Check this out….


  1. Dorothy Teel says

    I also have a recliner that I love and it is my chair even the grandkids know that it is mimi’s chair. I just feel comfortable and rlaxed in it and know that when I rest in it all is well. I don’t have the story that you do about you children, but I have rocked and loved many of my grandchildren in that chair.

  2. I have a leather chair that my mom had ordered and she passed away before she ever got to use it. My dad used it and I got it and just can’t part with it. I put it in the spare bedroom just because it means so much to me. It has seen better days but it has such sentimental meaning to me I can’t part with it.

  3. My favorite chair was a teal leather one w/ottoman that used to be at my parents’ house. Hubby and I took it when we moved but eventually sold it.

  4. Jessica Cox says

    My favorite chair was a rocking chair that I rocked my colicy babies in,It fell apart before I had my last baby.

  5. Kitty Iecvan says

    That looks like such a comfy chair! I moved recently, so I need to buy new furniture right now.

  6. Mya Murphy says

    I don’t really have a favorite chair… In fact, I prefer couches and love seats. Chairs seem too squishy I guess to me, and I’m not claustrophobic. I just like to move around.

  7. Nice to read your post. I would really like some signature furniture. And even if my kids are too big to use them, I can always keep it as decor until such time my kids will have children of their own.

  8. Nice to read your post. I really like this type of chair. Thanks for sharing with us.
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