Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus!

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This is why I don’t try Pinterest at home.

I saw a beautiful Christmas-tree-made-of-fruit centerpiece on Pinterest.  I got the bright idea to make it for the brunch at my sister-in-law’s house.  The instructions said to use cone-shaped florist foam.  Well, when you wait to shop until late the night before, it’s hard to find those.  So I improvised by trying to cut a personal sized watermelon into a pyramid shape.  Yeah, it didn’t go so well.


I spent about an hour and a half putting together this pitiful version of the Christmas tree fruit thing.  Once I started, I just couldn’t stop.  I tried to anchor it with the pineapple slices on the bottom but it still tilted like the Tower of Pisa.

My husband walked in when I finished….here’s our conversation:

Him:  “Whatcha making?”
Me:  “A fruit Christmas tree.”  (Obviously.  Duh.)
Him:  “Oh.  It looks like a Festivus Pole.” 
Me:  (Annoyed that he didn’t say, “OF COURSE!  Of course it is a fruit Christmas tree!)   “Thank you for noticing.

Because he is a smart man, he walked away at that point.  I had a box full of toothpicks, after all.

For the record, the kids enjoyed the fruit tree just fine.   I hope wherever you are, you are having a Merry Christmas!

Check this out….


  1. Jenna Wood says

    A festivus pole, lmao! It looks like a tree to me, points for trying, right!

  2. HAHAHA that totally made my day! Thanks for sharing. A Festivus Pole would be very popular on Pinterest, I think!

  3. I think we’ve all had a Pinterest fail at some point…. thought I refuse to admit to anything.

  4. Amber Ludwig says

    Haha!! I love this!! Looks beautiful and refreshing!!

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