Why I like the 2018 Little Women remake – in theaters 9/28 #LittleWomenL3 US

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Disclosure: I will receive a $25 Fandango e-gift card for posting. Opinions shared are mine.

It’s time to plan that Girls’ Night Out with the sweetest friends you have.  The new Little Women movie will be in theaters on Friday 9/28! 

Typically, I’m not a big fan of remakes or adaptations, especially when it comes to iconic characters like the March sisters.  There’s something that changes my perspective with Little Women, though.  Over the past few years since moving to Language Arts, I’ve seen a huge decline in students who are willing to read “old” novels like Little Women.  Once-popular novels that I loved as a teen have been pushed to the side by today’s teens.   This fun modern retelling just might spark some interest in those who haven’t heard of this beloved classic!  Hopefully, it will entice some young eyes to take another look.

Treat yourself to a few smiles while you watch the trailer.
The age distinctions between the movie characters and the book version seems like a striking contrast.  I’m not sure Louisa May would approve of the underage drinking that takes place in the movie version, but it definitely adds a grown-up air to the film.

Little Women is the perfect reason to take a friend to the movies on Friday! 

Don’t forget to take the quiz to see which sister you are.  Here’s my result page!

Christmas Jars giveaway bonus words

10/28 anonymous
10/29 Hope
10/30 holiday
10/31 tradition
11/1 kindness
11/2 need
11/3 blessing

Check this out….


  1. Kristie Belding says

    I would love to share this modern retelling with my daughter, then go rewatch the other two, as well as read the original work.

  2. shelly peterson says

    I took the quiz. I am a Jo.

  3. shelly peterson says

    My daughter really wants to see this movie.

  4. I want to see the movie because I watched the 90s version and I’m curious to see how it will be modernized.

  5. I took the quiz and it says I’m Beth, just like I thought!

  6. Antoinette M says

    I am a Beth!

  7. Angelica Dimeo says

    I want to see the movie because the book is good.

  8. Angelica Dimeo says

    I took the quiz and I got Amy

  9. I love the spirit of these gals and look forward to watching it with my daughters

  10. Julie Bickham says

    I loved the older version movie of Little Women. This one looks great as well!

  11. Julie Bickham says

    I got Meg in the quiz. It does seem a lot like me.

  12. I like Little Women because I grew up with it and it brings back memories of my mom and sister and being a young girl reading the book and watching it! <3

  13. Took the quiz. You’re a Beth!

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