Keeping the pets happy with

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I wish I had known that agreeing to get a dog would be like having a third child. Our dog is small, cute, and loves to chew. She has gone through at least four dog beds in two years. She never met a chew treat that she couldn’t defeat in an hour or less. Oh, but did I mention that she has food allergies? Yes. Yes, she does. So we also have to be careful about her food and snacks so that she’s not up all night coughing and choking.

If you have a high-maintenance dog, or if you are a low-maintenance human and don’t like having to run to the pet store for your pet’s needs, let ship a box to you. They have a great variety of pet food and gear. Their prices were extremely comparable to our local pet store and in many cases they offered brands that our pet store doesn’t carry.  Chewy has the products I want and has competitive prices.  For me, it’s much easier to order from Chewy and know that the products that will be delivered right to my door.  For example, I ordered these antlers. My dog chewed on them for hours!  I put a bit of peanut butter on them to make them a little more appealing because they didn’t seem to be that exciting on their own.

She also liked these bully stick pretzels. I don’t buy rawhide chews for her but she did not have any trouble with these.  This will be a favorite that we’ll reorder often.

These treats were also a big hit.  I liked that it was easy to find what I wanted by clicking the search options on the left side of the page.   Each product was described on the page with product weight and reviews.  It made it so easy to find what I was looking for.

So check out and find what you need for your pet.  With their free shipping offers and quick delivery you might be looking forward to buying goodies for that extra furry child.

If you’re placing your first order with, enter code SAVI9556 at checkout and save 10% on your order! Plus they will donate $10 to Best Friends Animal Society.  You can also save 15% on your order but must sign up for a delivery schedule at checkout.  One thing I’d like to see on the website is a frequent-shopper program.  I tend to order more frequently when I know that my purchase is adding up to some rewards.  That would be icing on the cake!


Check this out….


  1. That’s great. My son and I fed the neighbor’s dog a bone today!

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