The time when hormones were actually a good thing

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Disclosure:  This guest post is brought to you by Oxytocin Factor. Opinions shared are mine.

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My background in psychology doesn’t make it easier for me to avoid being hormonal.  In fact, it might even make things worse because I know that there are chemical imbalances at play in my brain during certain times of the month.   My poor husband never knows when my hormones are going to be happy or sad!  I was given the opportunity to share with you this fascinating article on the influence of oxytocin.  It’s really interesting to note the tremendous impact of hormones on our lives.

Influence of oxytocin on our organism

Our body is a complex system. The brain, muscles and bones are all part of a bigger structure which enables us to perform numerous tasks. Whatever we may think, each part of it, each little substance, has a certain task which it needs to perform. It is imperative that we keep the entire body safe and sound while taking care of its parts. The hormones in our body have different functions that encompass both physiological and mental tasks. If one hormone is not functioning, our entire system may break down.

One particular hormone that is used for many social functions is oxytocin. It is produced in brain and kept in pituitary gland from which it is sent to blood stream. Oxytocin hormone is known under a few nicknames such as “bonding hormone” or “love hormone”. Both of these nicknames depict its use in a proper manner.

We are social beings. As such, the bonds with our fellow humans are of imperative for our mental health. An individual without a family is lost. When a person doesn’t have a proper moral and mental support from other people, he or she tends to slip. In some cases, it might even cause a mental illness such as depression. Besides this, it may lead to loneliness, loss of self-esteem and social skills. When we first meet a person, it is a biological encounter as much as mental. Although someone may seem as a good company, we actually decide to be with that person because oxytocin starts working within our body. This hormone reacts when we meet someone with similar interests or character such as ours. It is a main reason why we feel comfortable in someone’s company. Also, it influences traits such as loyalty and trust. Furthermore, there have been discoveries that oxytocin hormone has impact on the way we behave in a group. Those that are a part of the group with similar interests are much more loyal to it and ready to lie and cheat to other groups that have different views.

Hormones raging?

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When it comes to intimate relationships, oxytocin also plays a big part. It is the reason why we love someone. All those emotions that we have for some person are direct product of its work. Often, it influences our loyalty and it is a basis for monogamy. Scientific researchers found out that the people with low level of oxytocin are more likely to cheat on their companions. This hormone is also of major importance for maternal instinct. It is the reason for lactation and it influences other processes in female body during and after childbirth.

People with low level of oxytocin usually exhibit bad social skills and they are not able to adapt to new groups. In some cases, it may lead to anti-social behavior and loss of interest for social interaction. It is recommended for all the individuals that have these symptoms to increase the level of oxytocin in body either through oxytocin nasal spray or oxytocin sublingual drops, which can be purchased by a trustworthy and certified online website such as


Check this out….


  1. Wow, I never heard about the ways oxytocin affects relationships besides attraction.

  2. Sherry Compton says

    It really is true how hormones play a big part in our lives…not just for romantic relationships. Relationships, of all kinds, are so important an impact several of our traits and feelings. Nice way of breaking it down and explaining.

  3. Sarah L says

    I must have good levels of oxytocin since I get along well with people and in groups.

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