No more spoonfuls of sugar

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It’s just one of those things—everyone has a hiccups cure. My mom always had me eat a spoonful of sugar when I got the hiccups.  That usually translated into spoonfuls of sugar for me.  It usually worked, but not always.  I try it with my kids when they get the hiccups but it never works with them.  They just like to eat the sugar.  What’s yours?

Getting the hiccups is such an uncomfortable feeling.  At first it’s just annoying, but then it’s almost maddening.  When my kids were babies, they got hiccups daily (even in the womb!) and it would drive me crazy.

Well, I had the chance to try the Hicural and I have some cool things to tell you about it!  First of all, it seemed like just having the Hicural in my medicine cabinet was insurance against hiccups.  I think we had it for at least six months before I had a chance to use it.    Plus it’s calorie-free.  I don’t want to waste my sugar consumption on trying to get rid of the hiccups; I’d rather splurge on some fudge.  Know what I’m sayin?  The Hicural looks like this:

Yes, kind of a strange looking apparatus, I know.  But let me tell you that IT WORKS!   My daughter had the hiccups on Monday and was getting frustrated about it.  I whipped this bad boy out and asked her to hold it in her mouth, with the long ends against the corners of her mouth.  She looked at me like I was crazy.  Still, she humored me.  Then I had her drink a cup of water while the Hicural was still in her mouth.  She paused for about thirty seconds after swallowing, then looked at me with wonder in her eyes and said, “It worked!”   That’s right ya’ll, Mama’s still got it.

The Hicural comes with its own little plastic tube so you can keep it in your purse when you go out to the all-you-can-eat buffet.  Or at church during communion.  You know the hiccups don’t care when they strike, they just want to bring you down.  Now they’ll have to pick on someone else, because Hicural is to the rescue!  Hicural is selling for $7.99 on the retail site (see discount below), or you can purchase it at drugstores like CVS.

You will have a chance to win the Hicural in an upcoming giveaway (starts July 2).  In the meantime, you can get $4 off your purchase by entering code SAVINGSINSECONDS at checkout. This code is good through July 9.   I know you might be skeptical about this thing, but rest assured that it’s completely guaranteed—your satisfaction or your money back.   You can follow Hicural on Facebook and Twitter.


(Disclosure: I received this product for review purposes. The opinions are 100% mine.)

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