It’s a good thing I only have 2 kids

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When my daughter went through preschool, we were all excited when she brought home the Alpha Bag. She had the letter R and we spent the weekend finding the perfect items to put in the bag. Raisins (enough for the class to share), a robot toy, and a doll’s roller skate were fun to find. Five years later, the second time the Alpha Bag came home was not as exciting. My son had the letter L and the only things I could think of to add to the bag were either items we didn’t have or things that weren’t appropriate for a preschool class. At six o’clock on Sunday night I headed to Walmart to buy a lemon, lime, Lucky Charms, and a toy lion since nothing in our house seemed to start with the letter L.  At least, nothing appropriate.

The only things I could think of were lighters and lube, neither of which should be showing up in a preschool classroom.

I didn’t even look at myself in the mirror before I left. I threw on a pair of pants and pranced on over to the store. After seeing several people I know, I ended up getting what we needed. My son’s preschool teacher was there also but I’m pretty sure she hid behind the bananas so she wouldn’t have to talk with me. That’s okay; I would probably hide from myself too. Anyway, when I made my triumphant journey home with the Alpha Bag contents, the first thing my husband said was, “Oh no! You didn’t wear those pants, did you?” That is so not what I wanted to hear.

Apparently I’ve picked one too many wedgies in these pink pants, or maybe my monstrous rumpus decided to expand tonight. Here’s what I wore to Walmart.

The pants I wore to walmart.  I'm probably on some "what not to wear" show now.

Gigantic hole right in the back of the crotch.  I wore some bright blue navy underpants too, so there’s no doubt that everyone got a good look.  I’m probably on one of those “I Saw It At Walmart” websites now.  That’s what I get for not caring a bit more about my appearance or the Alpha Bag. It’s a good thing I only have 2 kids. It might have been much worse by the time I got to child #3!

Please tell me you have an embarrassing story to tell.  You don’t have to tell it.  Just knowing that I’m not the only one who has worn holey pants to Walmart will make me feel a little bit better!


Check this out….


  1. Hahaha! This is funny…. sorry to be laughing at your expense. I have a pair of black yoga pants. I had been wearing these pants for a few weeks before my husband kindly told me that he could see every pattern of my underwear underneath. I was so embarrassed because he told me this while we were out and I didn’t have a change of clothes. Gotta love those candid mates, huh? (Stopping by from Saturday’s Top Five Laughs Linky)

  2. amanda whitley says

    this made me laugh. i like the idea of the alphabet bag.

  3. When I was in college, I had a job at the state capital building and I had to ride two buses and walk half a mile to get to the building. It took me forever. One day I made the entire trek and was walking down the stairs to my office and I noticed that I was wearing two different shoes. Yes, I turned around and made the trek back home…

  4. Ooooh, my goodness. I am weak from laughter. I would like to applaud you on NOT sending the lube and lighter in the alpha bag. These are the moments you have to laugh at… and if I ever see you on People of Wal-Mart, you’ll be the first to know… cause I’ll post a big ole link right in your comments bwahahaaaa 🙂
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  5. Ooooh – I cringed for you. I’ve had my pants split in public before. Once while trying to climb onto a lion in Trafalgar square. That wasn’t awesome.

    Thanks for the laugh. And I agree that the alpha bag is a good idea – but some letters are certainly easier than others….

  6. Leslie Brown says

    I usually don’t worry too much about what I wear to Walmart these days. I used to be one of those women who put on makeup and fixed my hair to go to the store…not anymore!

  7. Della Barker says

    Oh my goodness! I’ve gone to work with my flip flops on, because I forgot to change my shoes. I noticed it about 10:30 and said something to my boss. She laughed and said she wondered when the dress code had been changed. I went home at noon and changed my shoes. lol

  8. Last week I wore walmart pants to the gym and they split in the inner thigh part.

  9. Mya Murphy says

    Everyone’s pants splits in public at one time or another. My biggest thing ever… starting my period IN class. Now, THAT was horrifying!!

  10. I have 7.. I should be forgetting my pants entirely going to walmart by now!

  11. Will be getting some stuff to sew or get new ones

  12. Oh my goodness! This is HYSTERICAL!!!! I so had my pants split in the middle of Walmart a few years back! LOL!

  13. Walmart i have had nothing but i was with someone who went potty in there pants in the middle of the store and they are a adult.

  14. WOW! You really did wear holy pants to Walmart. I have an embarrassing story. I ate chili one day and did not know that I dripped it all over my chin. I went to the store and library with chili drippings on my face. How awful!

  15. Sherry Compton says

    Hey…it happens. Definitely not the worst thing I’ve seen at Walmart. Most people were probably so busy trying to get their Alpha bag, bake sale, science project….whatever items that they didn’t notice.

    Isn’t it funny how things change with the kids. You love them both equally but time is different. I always thought I wanted three. Then, I had two and stopped. The Lord gave me two hands and blessed me with two children.

  16. I worked in bank operations. Since our department was in the basement w/no contact with the public, the dress code was casual(jeans, t-shirts,tennis shoes…). One day I was wearing a sweatshirt and did not realize I was walking around all day with socks stuck to the back! Gotta hate static cling.

    Luckily, my supervisor had a sense of humor. He asked me to turn around so he could check for his missing socks 😀

  17. Sherry Compton says

    Walmart sees it all! It’s amazing your husband noticed. My husband thought it was appropriate to wear work jeans out to a casual pizza dinner with friends. I about died when we got home, and I realized they had big rips in them. He didn’t even notice though. Oh well, dinner was good. 🙂

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