God is good….again. Share a blessing today!

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So just a few days ago I posted about the blessing we received from Share A Sale. We had yet another reminder of God’s goodness yesterday.

About a year ago, I shipped off some of my daughter’s used clothes to a Matilda Jane trunk keeper. She does a resale event at her house a couple of times a year. She sold the clothes and sent me a check. All done. I guess she must have had some things left, I never asked. On Thursday I received a check for $130 from her—she had the sale again and must have sold my remaining items. I was so surprised to get that check and planned to deposit it on Friday into the vacation account I am opening next week.

It gets better!
So on Friday morning my husband left earlier than usual for work. He called me at around 6:30 AM and starts the conversation with “Something happened…..” Not what you want to hear, right? Apparently when he was within a few hundred feet from his office parking lot, he got a little lazy and rolled through the stop sign. No one else was on the road. He immediately was pulled over and got a ticket…..for $128. That’s right. God had already covered that ticket for us by sending me the check on Thursday. I was so relieved that my husband was okay, plus overwhelmed by the thought that God saw our need before we even had it.

God gave me another blessing --- savingsinseconds.com

When I opened the mailbox on Friday, there was a $30 cashback check from Shopathome. Now I am wondering what God has in store for THAT one. Ha!

Please share a blessing that was recently showered upon you!

This post contains my referral link.Β  The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Check this out….


  1. My sister had a baby in March, she’s been our big reason to be thankful lately. πŸ™‚

  2. Amanda C. says

    Awesome! God always seems to work in crazy ways. Hopefully that $30 is intended for something more exciting for your family. πŸ™‚

  3. Things happen at the right time for a reason!! I got a $100 gift card the day before I realized my kids needed new clothes for a family wedding!! What a blessing!!

  4. A blessing. Can’t think of one right now. I live in Minnesota, weather bites, our gas prices are high, had a ton of bills in May, and my fibro is kicking my butt!

    So, I will have to get back to ya on that one πŸ˜‰

    • Aw Sheila, it sounds like you are having a tough day. πŸ™ I am sending you a long distance hug.

  5. I love hearing about how God provides when we don’ t even know we’ll need it. I sometimes get frustrated that I can’t build up a vacation savings account, but am always thankful we had money in the bank for an unexpected expense.

    For me, I’m incredibly grateful for having friends willing to join me in prayer over situations that plague my family at the moment. Taking it all to God seems so much easier when you have other prayer warriors on your side.

    • Laura, it sounds like you are surrounded by wonderful prayer partners! I’m blessed to have good friends, too.

  6. rochelle Haynes says

    God is good all the time

  7. Our pastor and his wife took us out for lunch the other day! It was so nice to be able to chat with them outside of church.

  8. I see God’s blessings in so many ways each day. Today I was frustrated because I had run out of butter and I needed it for a recipe. I was just at the store so it was extra annoying. I started thinking about ways to substitute, when the phone rang. It was my neighbor asking if I had any sugar she could borrow. I giggled and said, “I have sugar if you have butter”. She did and we both got what we needed. It was so humorous. God smiled for sure.

  9. That’s what we in our house call a “God shot”. No disrespect if is sounds like that on the page, more like amazement.

  10. rochelle Haynes says

    He is good all the time

  11. Susan Marshall says

    I found this blog/website, that’s a blessing!


  1. […] don’t think any miracle is ever too small. I’ve posted a few times about the way that God has blessed my family in times of need. Every time, those blessings have come through the hands of other people. I believe […]

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