Where do you go to find new recipes?

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My husband has been watching a lot of Food Network lately.  Maybe it’s a subliminal message to get me to cook better meals.  Perhaps he’s dissatisfied with having spaghetti twice a week?  I don’t know, but this morning we watched the Pioneer Woman and Tricia Yearwood cook up a storm.  Not together, but two separate episodes of cream-based soups and heavy casseroles.   Like the dutiful wife, I printed off a couple of the recipes we watched and made a grocery list so that I can make a few good meals this week.  While we were out of town this week, we ate out just about every meal and I’m feeling kind of icky from all of that salty-carby-fast food anyway. 

When I made the grocery list, I realized that I’m really in a rut.  We are eating the same meals week in and week out.  Our typical week includes a pot of soup, a frozen pizza, spaghetti, a casserole of some sort, and eating out somewhere.  Then we have a day or two where we scavenge around for leftovers or heat up some frozen junk from Sam’s Club.  It’s true, we really need new recipes.  I need some inspiration!!  I’m not very creative in the kitchen, but I can definitely follow instructions for a glorious but easy meal.    There are a few food blogs I’ve started reading (Kayotic Kitchen , 100 Days of Real Food, and Cook Lisa Cook are some of my favorites) but I need more ideas.

Where do you go to find new recipes?   If you have a food blog, or follow one, please direct me to your favorite site!!


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  1. I still like to use cookbooks, or I cut out magazine clippings of recipes I want to try or I use pinterest.

  2. I love the food network. My favorites are Giada, Paula, Rachel, Guy, Lee, and Tricia. When I am looking for new recipes I turn to all my cookbooks that I have gotten over the years and have rarely used. It is amazing how you can learn to cook and you just cook the same things over and over again. I also like to check the internet for new recipes.

  3. I am a big fan of Pinterest! I’m not the greatest cook so I search for easy recipes and go from there. As with most things, we will get better and more comfortable with practice.
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  4. I use a blend of magazines, cookbooks and Pinterest. I have a Maple Bacon French Toast recipe on my site today which could give you a good “breakfast for dinner” option.

  5. judy gardner says

    i find a lot of new recipes on pinterest and epicurious.com

  6. Tamra Phelps says

    I tend to check Pinterest for new recipes. In fact, I mostly use my Pinterest page as a big recipe box, lol. I also have a few Facebook pages I check regularly, like Deep South Dish or Creole Contessa. (Both are blogs, but I like to scroll down the recipes on Facebook.)

  7. I really like all recipes.com and surprisingly Martha Stewart!! Ooh and Real Simple. Such great sites!!

  8. I find a lot of my recipes on Pinterest. They have some great stuff pinned! I also will watch food network occasionally, but usually just for ideas. I don’t actually use the recipes on there.

  9. I mostly find all of my new recipes from acquaintances online. A lot are live, but I like searching the archives to see all those nice and quaint recipes that people love to share. I thank you for your hospitality in doing this for all of us.

  10. Cynthia W says

    I love Pinterest and Southern Living. I also have a lot of cookbooks, handed down for years. They are still great resources for me.

  11. I like to use good magazines and cookbooks. I’m still leary of using online recipes with expensive ingredients. Most cookbook authors have tested and retested recipes until they have been perfected.

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