For Mother’s Day: An Amish Homecoming by by Amy Clipston, Beth Wiseman, Shelley Shepard Gray, and Kathleen Fuller

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Disclosure: I received a complimentary book from the publisher. The post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

My mother-in-law retired from her job a few months ago. She’s been a busy bee taking care of everyone, but hopefully someday she’ll be able to spend her days reading! When she visited recently, the subject turned to Kindles and ebooks. We discussed the benefits of an ereader and she indicated that she might like to have one. When possible, though, I think she prefers print books, as I do. Sometimes print book and ebooks are even comparable in price, as with An Amish Homecoming from Zondervan.

It would be easy to get this confused with An Amish Home, a similar novella collection that three of the same authors.

One reason I enjoy these novellas is that you’re spared the slow introduction that these sweet books tend to provide. The backstory is offered in a concise manner, leading right into the major plot line. It’s ideal for the impatient reader!

Additionally, the innocence of the characters makes this a good choice for delicate sensitivities. My grandmother can’t abide by racy action in stories, so this would make the perfect Mother’s Day gift for her!

Read more about the stories in the summaries below.

No Place Like Home by Amy Clipston

Estranged daughter Eva Dienner has been staying with her in-laws, the Riehls, since her husband was killed in a fire, but now she wants her son to meet his maternal grandparents. Upon her return, Eva finds that the man her parents always intended for her is living in their daadihaus and running the dairy farm for them for free, despite her suspicions of him taking advantage of her family. Eva knows she should put the past behind her, but is she ready to move into the future?

When Love Returns by Beth Wiseman

Hurricane Harvey forces Sarah Zook to return to the home she fled six years ago when she couldn’t face her stern parents’ reaction to her unplanned pregnancy. Upon her return, Abram King can think of nothing but the pain she caused him—until he meets Sarah’s daughter and realizes that he never really stopped loving Sarah. Sarah and Abram must find a way to face the truth of their past so they can rekindle their first love.

The Courage to Love by Shelley Shepard Gray

After the death of her Englisch husband, Irene Keim seeks a fresh start by staying with her new friends Mary Ruth and Henry Wengerd in exchange for helping them around the house. But when Mary Ruth and Henry’s son Marcus comes around, he isn’t pleased with the woman they’ve taken in and is determined to push her out. Misunderstandings abound, but both Irene and Marcus learn that people aren’t always what they seem.

What Love Built by Kathleen Fuller

Independent and headstrong, Carolyn is determined to forge ahead with the opening of her bakery, a lifelong dream, in the Birch Creek home she left ten years ago. But she’s in over her head and needs help with the cleaning, shopping, and deliveries. Carpenter Atlee Shetler is visiting Birch Creek to escape the memories of his late wife. He takes a job renovating the new bakery and finds the project—and its owner—to be much more than he bargained for. Both Carolyn and Atlee must face pains of the past if they want to have the bright future God has planned for them.

Check this out….


  1. Sounds like an all right book. I think it might be well paced

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