Farm to Fork to Love movie review #farmtoforktolove #romcom #moviereview

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For a few weeks now, it seemed like spring was fast-forwarding to summer. The temps were staying snugly in the 70s, and we had sunny days aplenty. The spinach and lettuce that I planted in March are now tall enough to flutter in the breeze, and we enjoyed the first radishes with last night’s stirfry! Tonight, though, we are supposed to get snow. SNOW! Luckily, I still got to enjoy thinking about locally sourced foods and homegrown goodness through the movie Farm to Fork to Love!

You can enjoy this movie using your Amazon Prime account, or watch for free at Tubi (no account needed).

Fans of Food Network will love the cooking challenge, while Hallmark Channel lovers will swoon over the sweet romance that simmers on the back burner throughout the movie. The story focuses on several strong themes — personal growth, competitive edge, and following dreams. I really enjoyed the focus on using fresh fruits, vegetables, and local ingredients to create amazing foods. While I may not be doing that in a world-renowned restaurant, my family appreciates the food I prepare for them.

The city setting of the movie really adds to the overall experience, and I could easily imagine the other locations described in Alice’s many stories. The acting skill demonstrated in the movie varied greatly. The two main characters Alice and Christian had chemistry and that helped to balance out the line delivery; Alice’s boyfriend Bret was unimpressive. I thought the best performance came from Christian’s Aunt Daniela, even as she practically threw herself at French chef Raphael. For me, the best part of Farm to Fork to Love was the food! It definitely made me crave a snack.

About the Movie:

Alice, a young and talented sous chef at NY’s top restaurant, receives an invitation to judge a food competition for a prestigious annual fundraiser. Despite the dismay of Bret, her boss who is also her boyfriend, she accepts the invitation. Once she arrives in Kansas, Alice is surprised to find her former boyfriend in college, CHRISTIAN, is amongst the judges. The cooking show and her reconnection with Christian will make Alice reconsider her dream.

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