The easy way to keep up with the home to-do list + $300 HomeZada Giveaway

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Disclosure: This is a Fashionista Event and a promotional item was provided to me by HomeZada. Hosts for this event are Still Blonde after all these Years and ModlyChic.


HomeZada makes it easy to keep up with the home to-do list - featured on  #HomeManagementOnline #ad


At our house, time is measured in B. C. standards.  That is, Before Children.  We moved into this house just before my daughter was born 10 years ago.  In that time, we’ve changed things around quite a bit.  We replaced all the carpet with hardwood and tile, installed an in-ground pool, and replaced the roof.  There are new appliances throughout the house, from the hot water heater to the dishwasher to the fridge.  The little things tend to fall by the wayside simply because we’re too busy to keep up with it.  For example, a few days ago some sauce spilled in the oven and caused a major smoke eruption in the kitchen.  The smoke alarm in the back bedroom went off, but none of the others alerted us to the problem.  That caused some major concern. What if this had been a real emergency?  How long had it been since we changed the batteries in the smoke alarms?  Although it seemed like I just replaced them, I quickly realized that it had been months years since I changed the batteries.  Yes, I know the whole rule about changing at Daylight Savings Time and all that.  It’s just that the day comes and goes without any major incident and the project slips my mind. Before Children it was fairly simple to keep up with things.  Now that our lives are consumed with the daily comings and goings of afterschool lessons, weekend playdates, and homework nights, those little things get by without a second glance until it’s too late.  That’s why HomeZada has a special new place in my heart.  HomeZada makes it easy to keep up with the home to-do list.  You can easily set up a home inventory, reminders about household maintenance, or store photos of your home.  It’s as easy as the click of the mouse!

As you can see in the image above, I can’t even remember when we purchased the microwave or dishwasher for  our house.  When an issue arises and I need to check the warranty, will I remember if it’s even still in effect?  Probably not.  HomeZada can keep up with all of this for me.

 #HomeManagementOnline keeps up with my to-do list --- #ad

My favorite feature of HomeZada is the Property Checklist. This section allows me to customize our home to-do list and create a calendar based on our needs. For example, I set up a reminder to check the backyard fence prior to opening the pool in the spring. I can request a date reminder and even specify who is responsible for each task.
HomeZada makes it easy to keep up with home maintenance!  #HomeManagementOnline #ad


There are so many reminders on this checklist that I completely neglect each year.  I’d guess that most of you are the same way.  For example, when was the last time you checked the hoses on your washing machine?  Do you remember to replace the furnace filters on a regular basis? Even though these tasks take only a few minutes, it’s easy to forget how much time has passed between them.  HomeZada makes it easier to keep up with your home maintenance by reminding you what needs to be done.   The set up can be as simple or as detailed as you want.  I easily set up a few important reminders in about five minutes.  If you can devote more time, go ahead and store your home inventory.  There’s also an Emergency Preparedness section that stores your important contacts for you.  So convenient!   HomeZada has a smartphone app for those of you who do better with your technology.

What feature of HomeZada appeals most to you?  HomeZada is offering a generous $320 giveaway in which 2 lucky winners will take a prize!  The prizes include a $100 Amazon + 1 one year memberships/winner.  Wow!!  To enter, visit the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway is open to US readers.  Void where prohibited by law. Be sure to use the Flares bar on the left side of the page to let your friends and loved ones know about HomeZada! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Check this out….


  1. Alisha Sienkiel says

    We have a lot of antiques so I really like the inventory feature to help keep everything organized.

  2. Sherry Compton says

    I entered but really like the home maintenance feature. I like the idea of being reminded.

  3. I love the idea of having all documentation in the same place. Having warranties at the punch of a button would be great. I would also put receipts in there as well. I often want to go back and look at things but cannot find them.

  4. Sherry Compton says

    I really like Kelly’s idea about keeping receipts in there. I do really good about keeping them; then they take over and become overwhelming and lost.

  5. Danielle Papsis says

    I like the Maintenance Feature and Home Improvement Feature.

    • The maintenance feature is SO helpful. I can never remember how long it’s been since we did (insert maintenance) for the house. Now I don’t have to remember!!

  6. I could use a reminder on when things need to be done around the house.

    • On a different blog, I saw that the HomeZada user had the reminders set for her kids, too. I could definitely use that help!

  7. I really like home inventory feature.

    • I think that’s neat, too. After all, if you have it written down, it will likely be lost in an emergency or disaster, right?

  8. Sky Evans says

    I love the receipts idea.

  9. Laurie Nykaza says

    The home maintenance reminds me what needs to be done which is wonderful I always forget. The set up can be as simple or as detailed as you want. This is amazing to have.

    • And there is a FREE subscription program!! The premium subscription isn’t too expensive, either. Such a great deal.

  10. I like that it is safe & secure online

  11. Automated home maintenance schedule alerts you to key tasks.

    • Seriously, I depend on my phone to tell me when it’s time to take my medicines. I definitely needed this for my home maintenance!

  12. Donna Pyszk says

    I like how you can use this to manage multiple homes

    • That would be super convenient, I bet, for someone who has a summer condo or something like that. Thanks for pointing it out!

  13. Michelle L says

    I like how you can keep track of virtually anything that you would need to schedule for your household.

  14. Lindsie Meese says

    I like the home inventory feature. I’ve been meaning to do one for years for insurance purposes but it’s so overwhelming!

    • Really, give HomeZada a try. You can make it as detailed or basic as you want. Although once you get started, you might not be able to stop! 🙂

  15. if i got this it would do me good for my collection of bear s i am collector of bears and tehn of authors thing and then postcard so it would be able to track when and were i get them and put them

  16. Sheila Joy Chartier says

    Great website! Keep up the good work!

  17. Mary-Ann says

    I have not heard of HomeZada before. It is very interesting.

  18. Joseph Hawkshaw says

    The home maintenance section was real cool it will help me out a whole lot.

  19. Stacey b says

    I like that I can schedule reminders to do certain tasks. This could help me keep up with maintenance/appearance in a more efficient manner.

  20. I really think Home Maintenance & Home Improvement are tied for first!

  21. With having just sold our home it was difficult to remember all of the installation dates. The Home Improvement feature sure would have been helpful!!

  22. Rebecca Swenor says

    I need anything that helps me remember everything. Thanks for sharing.

  23. I’d say keeping up with the warranties on appliances would be important to me. That and remembering to change those dang batteries in the smoke and carbon monoxide arlarms!

  24. I like the home inventory! What a great idea!

  25. Susan Smith says

    The home maintenance feature is so convenient

  26. andrea v says

    I like that you can track everything in one place and the home inventory!

  27. Sherry Compton says

    I like your B.C. explanation – Before Children. They do change a lot about our lives.

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