How to use Duck Tape® for back-to-school fun #sponsored

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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Last year my sixth-grade students were head-over-heels for Duck Tape®.  Many of them mentioned to me that they got Duck Tape® in their stockings at Christmas or as an exciting birthday gift.   It always brings a smile to my face when one of my students makes me a handmade gift. This flower pen is one of my favorites.

 The student who made this for me gave it to me at the beginning of the school year.  She was rather shy and quiet so it surprised me when she presented this to me.  It gave me an opportunity to get to know her better.  Everytime I use it this school year, it reminds me of her cheerful spirit.  The tape has really held up over a full year, it still looks brand new! The same student also made some markers to share with her friends.  I know she enjoyed making them and it gave her friends such joy to use her colorful gifts.   Now, I’m not sure how she made this super-cool flower at the top, but the body of the marker is just wrapped in a strip of the tape.  That’s something I could do!! 

Buy Duck Tape at Walmart and make it easier to personalize your kids’ belongings.  It would be fun to customize pens like these as a “Meet the Teacher” gift for the first day.  You could include a pretty Post-It notepad in a coordinating color.  You could also have a crafting fun day with your kids before they head back for their new school year.  Allow each child to select one or more rolls of their favorite Duck Tape® pattern.  Cover some of their pens and markers so they can look forward to using those unique new materials on the first day.  We’ll be using  Duck Tape® to put my kids’ names on everything from binders to notebooks.  Since the adhesive sticks really well, I don’t have to worry about it falling off.  After all, my pen is a great example of the durability of this stuff!  You can check out the Duck Tape® website for more great projects.  Be sure to follow @TheDuckBrand for lots more inspiration.  

Check this out….


  1. That is so cute! I receive a duct tape wallet a few years ago for a blog review and loved it until it wore out! 🙂
    Becca recently posted…$50 Kohl’s GCMy Profile

  2. i have seen then and they are not bad to make and they are neat

  3. Sherry Compton says

    It’s amazing all that is being done with duck tape. We used to always joke that duck tape could fix anything…well, now it makes practically anything, too. Need a purse…Duck tape! Prom Dress…Duck tape to the rescue. Cute ideas.

  4. Wow, never knew it could be used for so many things.. this was very helpful.. Thanks!!

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