Cool item for my Uncommon Dog

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Disclosure: This post is brought to you by The Uncommon Dog. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

It’s been nothing but rainy and humid around here in Northeast TN for what seems like a month! I’ve been very frustrated about it because we haven’t been able to swim on the hot days (went back to school) and on the days we were home, it was raining. At least this afternoon it was warm enough to get outside and the rain held off for a few hours. While we were out, it was a great opportunity to try the Evaporative Cooling Dog Pad that was sent to me by The Uncommon Dog. We’ve had this for a few days but it hasn’t been dry enough to try it!

Hyperkewl Evaporative Dog Cooling Mat from The Uncommon Dog -- featured on

Our little dog loves to be outside with us when we’re swimming and gardening. She adores tomatoes and climbs up into the plants to pick her own. While the kids are swimming, she jumps into the raft and makes a little splash of her own. It gets hot on the concrete by the pool, so she really needed a cooler place to lay down. I’ve tried putting out a beach towel or wetting the concrete for her but it just gets hot again within a few moments. I hoped that the cooling pad would help make her more comfortable while we were in the heat.
Hyperkewl Evaporative Dog Cooling Mat from The Uncommon Dog -- featured on This pad is quilted and feels almost like a thin sleeping bag fabric. The package was extremely easy to open, so this is great to take along on a camping trip or to the beach. First you need to submerge the pad in the water for a few seconds to make sure it’s completely wet. It was a bit heavy to pick up when it was soaked with water. Wring it with your hands, then lay it flat on your surface. My dog was curious about it at first and just wanted to stand on it. It doesn’t feel soaking wet to the touch, but stays just a bit cooler than the concrete while the water evaporates. After she got really hot, she became more curious about it and sat down on it for a few minutes. She never stayed on it very long, but she did come back to it several times. I think it helped to cool her down just long enough to let her go explore again. The pad stayed wet the whole time we were outside, at least two hours.  It was simple to move it to another area of the patio when we wanted to relocate.

Hyperkewl Evaporative Dog Cooling Mat from The Uncommon Dog -- featured on

I noticed on the package that the cooling pad has similar accessories available. The cooling dog coat would be a great idea but I fear that it might be too heavy for my small dog (she only weighs 12 pounds). The cooling dog neck band would be an excellent option for us since it just wraps around the dog’s neck. I am pleased with the Hyperkewl  Evaporative Cooling Dog Pad  and hope that we’ll continue to enjoy some sunny days so we can use it more often!

Be sure to check out the huge variety of pet products at The Uncommon Dog and while you’re there, follow their social media!!



Check this out….


  1. This is fantastic. Our dog has a lot of hair and it is so hot in the south. Would love to try this for him.

  2. My dogs would love this! It’s so hot right now.

  3. Mandy Earles says

    Oh yes, my dog would love this 🙂

  4. My pups would love that, we live in FL so it would be used a lot.

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