Confessions on the 7:45 by Lisa Unger #Confessionsonthe745

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I have rarely in my life traveled via public transportation, and even fewer times have done so alone. The only times I can remember — riding on a Greyhound bus to Memphis, TN as a teenager (my mom was a pretty free spirit when it came to parenting) and another Greyhound bus ride when I couldn’t live without my long-distance boyfriend at Christmas during college. At no point during either trip did I feel like making a huge confession to a stranger. There were definitely strange strangers on both trips…but none like Selena found on her ride.

I felt like I won the lottery when I found this on the new release shelf at the library. Lisa Unger is one of my favorite authors, and she did not disappoint with Confessions. Some of the characters were vile, and I had to push past my contempt, knowing that Unger had something up her sleeve. It was easy to figure out the connections, but the real prize was learning the WHYs and HOWs. And what do you know, I ended up kind of liking one of those vile characters in the end.

The little throwaway mention of The Hollows made me want to reread the books about my favorite paranormal small town!

Check this out….

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