Cleaning? No. Healthing? Yes!

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Teachers can sense it.  That first wave of the stomach bug, flu, or strep throat is like a tiny siren going off in our heads.  When that first child, then the second, then the third complains of a sore throat or upset stomach, we all inwardly groan knowing what’s coming next. I only use my own writing utensils, warding off student pencils like the plague.  I wash my hands so frequently that they beg for moisturizer.  This year was particularly bad; some children were out for a week or longer trying to fight off illness.  So what do I do?  I keep disinfectant wipes in my classroom and try to kill the germs on surfaces as often as I think of it.  Phones, doorknobs, light switches, and even pencil sharpeners are all victim to my healthing rage.  So what is healthing, you ask?  It’s the reason you’re cleaning in the first place.  Cleaning makes things look nice.  Healthing keeps my family safe.  It keeps my students safe. It keeps me safe.

Lysol Using products that are effective without the harsh chemicals is very important to me.  In my classroom and in my home, I want to use a brand that is known to be safe for the children in my life.  Although bleach is known for being a good germ-killer, it’s also very abrasive on my skin.  I actually have reactions to it and try to avoid using it.  I definitely don’t want to use it around my kids.  That’s why I use Lysol wipes and sprays in my classroom and at home. Knowing that the Lysol brand is effectively eliminating the germs from my home gives me peace of mind.  I’m excited that Lysol is reaching children with their healthing initiative.  Lysol is working with over 65,000 schools across the country to encourage children to practice healthy habits. Teachers and parents can’t do it alone; the children in our lives need to make healthing a priority, too.  Just by giving them a gentle hand cleanser, we can help improve their chances of keeping the germs at bay!  By using multiple products, we can increase those chances of providing a healthy home and classroom.  And that’s worth every healthing moment to me.  Follow the Lysol Healthing Initiative on Facebook!  You can download the Guide to Healthing and learn more about the ways you can stop cleaning and start healthing.

What are your reasons for healthing?  What products do you use to make sure that your areas are safe for your family?

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for LYSOL®. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.


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  1. my preschooler has brought home many things one was horrible in bed for a week….it cants be helped soemtimes

  2. I sometimes worry that we are overcleaning and making the bacteria more resistant. My son had a MRSA infection 10 years ago, because of drug resistance out of a list of 20 or so antibiotics only 5 would work with his infection. The antibiotic he was finally given had to be given intravenously as a direct injection of it would have killed healthy cells. Does all this cleaning mean the germs are getting stronger??? Yes washing hands and general cleaning is a very good idea, but what about that bacteria at the edge of your cleaning surface that becomes immune because the disinfectant doesn’t kill it completely?
    Some things are just meant to be, including colds

    • Wow, good point Kat. Many germs are becoming resistant to cleaners and even antibiotics. Scary stuff!

  3. My youngest neice started pre-k and then she caught all sorts of bugs.When her or her sister gets something it’s passed around to eveybody. My daughter,her fiance,my mom and my sisters have been sick multiple times already.I stay away from all of them and I got my flu shot but the shots don’t seem to work this yr. Our family got one and still have been sick. I’d like to say Thank you for taking care of kids.It takes a special person to be a teacher and in my opinion should make what these football players are making. They’re so over pain and teachers are so under paid. Anyway thank you for everything you do.

  4. Amy Tolley says

    theres nothing wrong with kids getting sick it build up their immune system…and makes it stronger….but it is also good to keep it somewhat clean…kids are going to get sick..nothing you can do about that once they start school daycare or whatever once they are around other kids…thats it they will bring home everything that goes around…you can teach them to wash their hands but it doesnt matter there are going to be those times that they forget or just plain dont….but yes i do believe teachers know when its coming they send home those lovely litte notes as to what the classroom is in need of…which helps a great deal to parents in knowing when and what to send in to help out….

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