Christmas before Halloween?!

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As we traveled to Pigeon Forge last weekend, we noticed that the Christmas decorations were already being put in place.  In fact, we even saw some decorated gift boxes in front of the Titanic Museum.  We had a discussion about this because it just seemed so wrong to start decorating for Christmas before we even enjoy Halloween!  For one thing, the colors are all wrong.  The orange and black of Halloween just can’t be mixed with the green and reds of Christmas.  It makes me wrinkle my nose to just think of it.  Then we have the issue of the foods getting all mixed up.  I love having delectable treats at Christmas but Halloween just seems so candy-ish.  Ne’er the twain should meet, in my humble opinion.

There is something to be said for enjoying Christmas decor for longer than just December, though.  After all, if you go through all the trouble to decorate your home for the holidays you should get to enjoy it for longer than a couple of weeks.  That’s why I like versatile decor like the Arteriors line at Zinc Door.  Right now there’s a 15% off storewide event at Zinc Door, 10/15-11/14, with promo code ZINC15.  As an idea, you could get some cool lighting fixtures that can be all dolled up for any event.  If you invite people over for Thanksgiving luncheons or Christmas parties, you could really do something cool with the furniture and accessories from that line.

How do you feel about the holidays getting all mixed up like this?  Is Christmas before Halloween anathema, or do you take it in stride?


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