Back to school for teacher too……Hello, Helen!

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Back to school time means lots of new supplies.  Everyone always thinks about the students going shopping, but what about the teachers?  It’s a really busy time for teachers because we have to get our classrooms prepared and make sure that we have all the gear we need to start the year.  This year, I needed a new bag.   I’m not a big fan of the traditional teacher totes because I tend to have a lot of pens, clips, and other paraphernalia that needs to be easily stored in the bag, too.  I also have approximately 100 students which means the bag must be large enough to carry all those papers that need to be graded! So Hello, Helen — you’re my new bag for school!

Aside from that, I also like having a bag that’s versatile and can be used during the summer.   When we head to the park, indoor playhouse, or just to a friend’s house, I have to carry along all the snacks, extra clothes, and other “stuff.”  My bag’s gotta be able to meet that demand.

Gigi Hill sent me the fabulous Helen bag that can be used in so many ways. It’s the perfect diaper bag (that doesn’t look like a diaper bag), mom carryall, beach bag, and teacher tote.  It has a zipper on the top to keep all my papers and gear stashed inside.  It looks fantastic and I get compliments every time I use it!  It stays very clean and is easy to wipe off if needed.  The handles are sturdy, even when I’m carrying a big load.  A few days ago I had my hands full when I got home from the grocery store, so I threw everything in the Helen to make it easier to carry upstairs.   I’ve been using it to keep my trunk organized as we collected back to school supplies.  Now that I’m back to school, it’s been my teacher bag.  That bag is a workhorse but looks like a thoroughbred!


Take a look at Gigi Hill Bags and see what appeals to you.  Some of the bags are pricey, but many are quite affordable.  You can also host a party to earn hostess benefits.  The quality of these bags is truly outstanding.  Even my husband said a genuine “Wow!” when I showed him the Helen bag that I received.  I know that my Gigi Hill bag will be a favorite for many years.

Which bag would you choose?  Who would enjoy getting one of these bags as a gift?  Tell me in a comment below!  And don’t forget to catch Gigi Hill on Facebook.  They’re always posting great fashion tips and uses for their bags.


Check this out….


  1. That bag is super cute! Thanks for the review, heading over to their facebook page now 🙂
    Ashley T recently posted…Our new bath-time with NubyMy Profile

  2. What a wonderful review. I do love the bag.
    Quida recently posted…Kroger Weekly Sales 8/19 thru 8/25!My Profile

  3. Dawn Kropp says

    I love the BAG!! And, you know what… when it comes back to school, it seems to be kid-centered! What about the teachers 🙂

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