Another huge discount on Super Why Live tickets!

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So hopefully you grabbed the Groupon for the Knoxville Super Why! show (if you live in Northeast TN, of course.)   But if you didn’t, here is an even better deal!   And it’s available for shows in the following cities: Birmingham, Knoxville, Raleigh, Memphis and Charleston.

Click here to go to the Super Why Live page, then click “Get Tickets” in the city of your choice.  Look for the Promotion Box and enter code SUPERFB (see picture below).   The tickets will be only $19 which is over a 50% savings for the show that I’m attending.  Anyone 2 years old or older needs a ticket, so depending on the number in your party you could save a ton of money.

Here’s what the Knoxville prices were before the code:

After the code, there were two seating options available that were formerly $39 each:

I’m excited about this savings; I hope it will make it possible for more families to enjoy attending this show together.

Check this out….

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